Aug 25, 2005 14:13
Well I had my first general good time in Auburn last night since we got back to school.
Kate, Sara, and John came over and we played circle of death which kicked my ass haha. And I totally fell asleep on my bed and not in it.
School is gonna suck this semester. I'm totally afraid of both Organic and Physics. It's going to require a lot of studying to save my ass in both of those classes.
Work kinda sucks. There is always just so much stuff to do. Ah well I want the extra money I have to put up some effort for it.
I'm sick of being confused. And I say that because when you care for someone greatly you have a problem moving on. I don't know if I should move on or if I should just stick to my guns and eventually the fortress will fall. You gotta love it when you talk to friends about it and they all give you conflicting answers. You wanna listen to both sides. You got your heart talking on one side and your brain talking on the other...they never work together...they are like a stubborn old married couple. Just proves my point that you have to figure out everything for yourself :). I wish things would straighten out soon. I want stuff to fall into place so that I can follow routine again.