(no subject)

Nov 27, 2009 03:38

Thanksgiving Day at Cory and Joel's place was fun. (People in attendance: Cory, Joel, Richard, Matthew, John, and me.) My contributions were a classic MidWestern potato casserole, which managed not to kill our Californian cousins (Matthew's surprised comment: "It doesn't taste like death!"). And a cranberry salad - more of a relish-like thing, really. This was a dish my grandmother would make every year. She, my Aunt Grace, and I were typically the only people who ate it. I loved it, and it's one of the (many) things I missed about her when she died. I can really appreciate why it's not popular; it's a very tart dish.

I'd gotten the recipe down pretty well. There was a small difference between hers and mine (I think I put too much almond extract in it - Matthew gasped when I said that I put one teaspoon of the extract in it), but otherwise it was pretty much what I remembered it being.

Yet, I think the tartness put too many people off. I love tart things, and didn't want to too heavily mask that with sugar (vegan sugar, no less).

Oh well, more for me. At least it got me to buy a zester - another hole punch on my Gay Card®.

Cory & Joel were great hosts. We ate too much and watch TiVo in a near-comatose state.

Tomorrow (today?) is my annual Buy Nothing Day observance. I'm not a purist; I don't think that eating at a restaurant violates the spirit of BND. Because, seriously, I'd starve to death. And they'd find my body only after the smell started annoying the neighbors. I have to figure out what to do with Xmas shopping, though. I think I'm dangerously close to getting Bad Uncle™ status now that my brother's kids are growing older: forgetting birthdays, sending bad presents, the works. I can clinch that title by buying them books and socks.


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