(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 15:57

I'm feeling a bit better today.

Even through the pollution of the city, I smell spring approaching. We may yet be hit with a snow storm, but it will be a futile gesture on Nature's part.

I went out on a kinda-date (!!) last Saturday with Nate. It went well, even though both of us had colds. Just dinner, a movie (Melinda & Melinda), and walking around Harvard Sq. It didn't get me completely out of my deep, blue funk, but it helped.

Desperate Housewives night was great, even if I was a bit quiet (see post about me being all depressed and shit). I talked with my brain doc about how emotionless I felt on the Lexapro. He said the dosage may be too high (it's now in the "medium to high" range apparently). We're kicking it down a notch to see how that helps.

Went to see Who Put the M in Manchester with the homos. I *heart* Morrissey just that much more...and he is teh hott with his shirt off!!

Um...Oh...you know...tons of stuff. But like...yeah...

And now...

Children dance on snow
To hasten the arrival
Of the earth's rebirth


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