Update from me

Apr 30, 2005 13:20

Its been a while since i have updated, so here goes nothin. About a week ago was prom. It was awsome. Leslie was my date (shissha) and David took us. We got there like two hours late, but we stayed the rest of the time. When we left, Leslie and I went back to my house and watched The Ninja Turtles. The next day, mother and I went to clarksville to take the tux back. we stayed there for like, four hours. Arg thats a long time to be in one place. Sunday was a cool day. Leslie came over, we went skating, ate some food, jumped on the trampoline, and watched most of Meet The Fockers.
Most of this week was spent waiting for friday. Bill, Justin, Charlie, Seth, David, Jessica, Mario, Marco, Jared and one other player.... o yea me played in a dodge ball tourney that day. We had a lotta support from robert and renee, but we got creamed both games we played. We had mucho fun anyway u look at it tho. O yea, Justin me and bill got to penis someone, that was awsome. I made a 104 on my trig test, which is prolly a whole lot better than makin a plain old 100. Then the rest of the day snailed by. Leslie took me home, btw thanks a lot Leslie, and then mommy daddy and I went to springfield to do crap.

Now for something completely different. I will predict the future.....
The weekend will be very uneventful.... I will work on Sunday..... School will be better because I wont be bored...... Please somebody do something with me today(saturday).
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