Young Authors

Jan 12, 2006 14:16

I spent this morning at my old high school, Hahnville High School in Boutte, Louisiana (if you don't know, don't ask) as a judge for the school's annual Young Author's Competition. I've been invited to be a judge for the last few years and I always love doing it. I entered the contest many times when I was in school, and won more than once if I may be permitted a moment of horn-tooting. But I remember how much I enjoyed the contest, how it encouraged me to keep writing, and I hope that I can help some of the deserving young writers out there to keep it up as well.

Of course, this being a competition for teenagers, there was a lot of... how do I put this? "Similar" writing. Teenagers don't seem to change much over the years, and while you have to keep in mind that you're reading the work of 15 and 16 year olds, at the same time you start to get so tired of reading about death, abuse and unrequited love that you begin giving bonus points in the "creativity" category to any piece that's about anything other than death, abuse and unrequited love. (This is in the poetry competition, I should point out. In the fiction competition you get tired of reading about death, abuse, unrequited love and vampires.)

I was also approached, while I was there, about possibly going back to the school later this year to help one of my own old teachers with a creative writing unit. She was always one of my favorite teachers, and one of the most encouraging of my own writing. Considering how I've been leaning towards teaching lately, this could be a great opportunity for me, and hopefully a lot of fun. Wish me luck.


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