Post-Holiday Blues...

Jan 02, 2006 15:21

Well, maybe "blues" is the wrong word. I'm not sad, not down, not depressed... I'm just kinda blah. Jan. 2 is a very difficult day to get yourself movitaved. You've just come down off Christmas and New Year's and the vast wasteland of January is stretched out in front of you with nothing really exciting to look forward to. Well... that's not quite the case -- my brother is getting married in a few days and Erin will be here, both causes for celebration. But that isn't conducive to get yourself charged up and writing.

Futurius is now accepting submissions for "Tales From the Plex Vol. 2" and I'm definitely interested to get in there, but I've got to get something written for that to happen. I've got a couple of ideas for short pieces, but I'm having a little trouble fleshing out the ideas, pulling them into line, getting a real story out of it.

I need to charge myself up. Need to get those creative juices flowing.


Well, while I'm busy not having anything creative to say, I've at least got something to share with you guys. As I announced yesterday, I'm going to start putting new stuff up at Think About It Central on Mondays, and that started today. You can check out my book review of Groucho Marx, King of the Jungle by Ron Goulart. Hmm. Maybe Ron could tell me how to get inspired.

reviews, writing

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