Oct 27, 2005 20:14

Well, it took long enough, but today I finally got the first of four checks I'm expecting from the Herald-Guide. It was mailed on Oct. 6. So it only took three weeks to travel a distance I used to do in 20 minutes daily. Incredible.

I also got a phone call from my car insurance company informing me that I was past due. The reason I was past due? Because I never got the bill. I drove in and gave them a check, then asked for a temporary insurance card for my car, but because the policy was marked as "lapsed," they couldn't give me one. So I've got to wait until next week or until the card and bill I was sent lord knows how long ago finally comes in.

Again, I ask, WHY is mail service so bad? Yes, they can't route things through New Orleans anymore, but there MUST be SOME place they're doing it. Baton Rouge, perhaps, or maybe Lafayette. So why is it taking up to a month to get a letter in the mail, even from just down the road? It's ridiculous.

Plus, this morning I woke up to a weather report about Tropical Storm Beta down near the Yucatan. I wonder how far into the Greek Alphabet we'll get before this season ends.

In other news, some new reviews to share with you...

Jack Cross #3 -- I really can't tell where Warren Ellis is trying to go with this. I often feel that way about Warren Ellis.

Loveless #1 -- I'm happy to see the western genre get a spotlight again, but this seemed kind of... well... same old.

Silent Dragon #4 -- Innovative idea, but I'm afraid Andy Diggle is trying to do too much at once.

Solo #7 -- Mike Allred does the DC Universe. I LOVE this comic book.

Wraithborn #2 -- It's a fantasy! It's a Witchblade knock off! Stop! You're both right!

Dork Tower #32 -- Matt continues working on his comic -- and keeps dreaming of Gilly.

Opposite Forces #2 -- I love this little superhero/comedy.

She-Hulk Vol. 2 #1 -- Marvel's BEST COMIC BOOK is back!

And just for fun...

opposite forces, insurance hassles, dork tower, work, quiz, comics, mail, she-hulk, reviews, solo

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