Random Thoughts

Sep 14, 2005 11:30

Random thoughts about assorted situations in my life:

• LISA: Did you know the Chinese have the same word for “crisis” as “opportunity?”
HOMER: Yes! Crisitunity!

• I’ve been borrowing my sister’s car to get to work. (My windshield was broken in the storm and, thus far, the only auto glass place I’ve been able to get on the phone isn’t doing mobile repairs, and lord knows I can’t drive it to them.) The first time I filled the fuel tank on her car, Cedric the Civic, I was surprised at how little it cost and marvelled at the car’s fuel efficiency. In subsequent fill-ups, I have determined that the car isn’t actually that fuel efficient at all, it just has a really small friggin’ tank. Yes, it costs less to fill up than my Ford Focus, but I’m also doing it a LOT more often.

• If you go through life expecting to get screwed over, you’re going to get screwed over.

• If you can’t do it twice a week, you shouldn’t have taken the job in the first place.

• Visit www.webcomictelethon.com. Every 20 minutes they update with a new comic strip, and they’re collecting donations for the Red Cross. Since starting the telethon on Monday, they’ve raised over $20,000 dollars. Not surprisingly, some cartoonists chose to go into political attack mode. I’ve chosen to skip over them and appreciate the effort as a whole.
Here are some of my favorite strips thus far:
Adrian Ramos’ Count Your Sheep
Peter Venables’ 13 Seconds
Eric F. Myers’ From Mark Twain’s Life on the Mississippi

• Addendum to a previous statement. If you don’t even know what your damn phone extension is, you shouldn’t have taken the job in the first place.

• Addendum to the addendum: for the love of Heaven, NOT EVERY STORY NEEDS A PHOTOGRAPH. I promise, most people don’t give a crap what the head of the Rec department looks like, and those that do are probably mad at him, and thus he wouldn’t want them to see his picture anyway. And it’s not the “cover.” This is not a magazine. It’s the front page.

• Why does our internet connection blip out three times a day? Isn’t is supposed to be fixed? And how does it know exactly when I actually need to get online to do something so that it blips out then? I think some malevolent force is monitoring my keystrokes.

• Talked to Chase this morning... I’d been hoping to get together my friends and maybe spend Saturday going to Baton Rouge or something. He has an even better idea. More on that later.

• I downloaded iTunes yesterday specifically because I wanted to find a song that Erin says reminds her of me. When you put the program on your computer, iTunes does a scan for all sound files you have to put in its library. It found about a hundred files that I had no idea were on my machine, nor do I know where they came from. Mostly Christmas songs, for some reason (although The Ballad of Davy Crockett is also in there). I think I’ve got the whole soundtrack to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The Chipmunks are also well-represented. The presense of the Smurfs and Pee Wee Herman leaves me utterly baffled, and I didn’t even know Run DMC ever made a Christmas song, but evidently, it’s on my laptop. Can anybody explain this?

• It’s nice to have “Everything But Imaginary” back at Comixtreme. This time out is one of my "Best Comics I've Never Read” columns, with a special focus: Everything But Imaginary #130: The Best Comics I’ve Never Read -- Evacuation Edition.

work, ebi, katrina, my sitcom crew

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