I need Caller ID at work

Jul 27, 2005 11:05

If I ever, EVER hear anyone on the street saying, "You should call the newspaper about that," I will personally throw a full-body slam on them and proceed to bash them over the head with a baseball bat. (Wooden, not aluminum. I'm a purist.)

I just spent an hour -- an HOUR -- on the telephone with some nutcase who thinks that his ex-girlfriend who works at the hospital is somehow blocking his telephone so that he can't call anybody. I don't even think that's physically POSSIBLE. He's supposedly talked to police, whom he flagged down in the street, and the Sheriff, whom he claims told him to call the newspaper (thanks, Sheriff). Then, at various points in the conversation, he raved about his workman's comp, that someone sprayed oil on his truck, that apparently she was controlling his computer remotely and he needs to find a hacker and that if I wrote the story I would wind up editor of the New York Times. The ONLY part of the conversation that made sense was when he talked about his psychiatrist.

I need caller ID.


stupid people, work

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