New Reviews from DC, Marvel, Image, APE, Gemstone & Devil's Due

May 29, 2007 16:19

Now it's time for America's favorite game show: Blake reviews a buttload of comic books!

Here are reviews for books that were released last week:

Captain America #26 (Good)
Fantastic Four #546 (Good)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual #1 (Very Good)
Heroes For Hire #10 (Average)
PVP #33 (Good)
She-Hulk #18 (Good)
newuniversal #6 (Good)
Shadowpact #13 (Very Good)
The Spirit #6 (Excellent)
Uncle Scrooge #366 (Very Good)
X-Men #199 (Average)
And finally...
CX Done-in-One Reviews for May 23 (In which I review Dynamo 5 #3, Madman Atomic Comics #2, Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #30 and Superman/Batman #35)

And if that wasn't enough, here are advance reviews for books being released this week (or, in a few cases, next week):

Chucky #2 (Very Good)
Daredevil #97 (Very Good)
G.I. Joe: America's Elite #24 (Great)
New Avengers: Illuminati #3 (Average)
New Excalibur #20 (Fair)
Silent War #5 (Fair)
Subculture #1 (Very Good)
Wolverine #54 (Average)
X-23: Target X #6 (Good)

pvp, madman, legion of super-heroes, batman, she-hulk, shadowpact, silent war, superman, supergirl, excalibur, subculture, comics, avengers, chucky, dynamo 5, uncle scrooge, newuniversal, heroes for hire, captain america, reviews, fantastic four, spirit, x-men, x-23, spider-man, wolverine

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