Proof that there is a God...

Nov 15, 2006 05:49

I have proof for you today, friends, that there is indeed a God. And what's more, that He has a sense of humor.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I'm being formally observed today. I am nervous about this. Some of my co-workers have told me I don't need to be, but to be fair, these are people who have only known me for three months and as are yet unaware of my truly heroic capacity to worry about things. Erin -- proof of God's benevolent side -- talked to me last night and made me feel a bit better about the whole thing.

But anyway, I am nervous. And when I'm nervous, I have trouble sleeping. Last night was no exception. I tossed and turned, I woke up frequently, I had bizarre dreams. And finally, a little while ago, my alarm clock went off to end my long hours of tossing. I have a clock radio, because I prefer to wake up to music than to some electronic bleating sound.  Usually, this is a good thing. Today, however, on the day I'm completely exhausted due to worry and poor sleep, what song wakes me up?

David Bowie and Queen. "Under Pressure."

All I could do was stare at the ceiling and say, "Veeeeeeeeeery funny..."

erin, school

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