NaNoWriMo 2006: Day 11 -- A Good Day

Nov 11, 2006 22:36

I had a pretty darn good day. I got up and worked on The Book of Lisimba for a few hours, finally stopping at 19,854 words. Not too shabby. For tomorrow, I'm aiming for 21,500. Definitely doable.

After the writing was done, I went out with my buddy Mike for a few hours. Got comics, went to Best Buy, and we wound up at his house watching the 20th Anniversary DVD of TransFormers: The Movie. You know, a lot of the cartoons and movies I loved as a child just don't hold up today. Actually, that's being nice. Today, most of them suck. But even 20 years later, TransFormers: The Movie rocks. I think I'm going to try to put together a review of the DVD set for Monday's Think About It Central feature, assuming I can get my act together on the TAI writing. Would you guys like to read that?

transformers, nanowrimo, my sitcom crew

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