Sunday morning Ramblings

Jan 29, 2006 11:25

Andy Z. pointed out that I haven't written an LJ entry in a while, and I think he's right. It's way overdue. The only problem is that I have a test tomorrow. I’ve spent the entire weekend studying, and it’s boring. The good news is that I think I can read an ECG now.

You know when you have those moments in the day where you think, “hey, I should write about this in my LJ!” ? I have them occasionally, but then as soon as I sit down to Semagic I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Anyway, a few days ago Mary wrote about how what we write is often colored by our readers - what we want to say - what we’re careful not to say. It’s funny that she wrote that because I had been struggling with whether or not to write about my experience at church last weekend. I mean to do that would require unpacking all these loads of theological torment that I’ve built up over the last couple of years just to explain where I’m coming from. Anyway, it was my second experience at a Unitarian Universalist Church. I don’t really consider myself a UU by any means, I just thought it would be interesting to visit.

I can’t write about all that stuff now because Physiology is hanging over my head. What I can say is that this church has really good signs. You know the signs you often see that say “Seven Days Without Church Makes One Weak” or “God Answers Knee-Mail”. It’s like that, only it says stuff like, well . . . D**** IT!!! I can’t think of them right now, but they’re things about thinking or “Tired of squirming in your pew, try ours” or . .. . I can’t remember (This is where Brett would say “Good Story.”) The point is that the church allows you to think for yourself. You’ve got Christians, Buddhists, Agnostics, and an assortment of tree-huggers all together celebrating life and singing some of the same songs that we have in the old Sumatanga song books. I’d use the term worship, but I don’t think it’s quite that; although for some of them it is. Anyway, I won’t go into the whole experience, but it was interesting.

OK, this was supposed to be a really short entry because I’m supposed to be studying. Wish me luck!
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