Oct 14, 2005 02:57
We skated all day and Andy Kerr showed up at like 12 and we skated till about 1:30 am, then we all got in Andys moms car, which he stole, and drove to walmart and goofed off for like an hour. This manager dude made us turn off my camera and i missed some awesome footage, and if dad ever watches that video im so dead. haha. Andy is like driving with his knees down the highway and swerving back and forth. We had to force zack to get in the car, he was like, I DONT WANNAAAAAAH. but its ok. After we got back he wanted to go out again, he just htought we would get caught, what a nooob.
ha, i used the word noob.
but now andy is gone and the fun times are dwindling however we did stock up on suger based products at walmart and me and andy "hardcore danced" and by that i mean made fun of the idea.
let the good times roll