Sep 15, 2008 12:29
I have been watching way too much of The Office. But I love it so! I also need to stop prowling around LJ for icons cause I think my retinas are shot from staring at the screen for too long. And I just read the best Toby/Pam/Ryan fic and it was awesome. Oh god, how I love Andy and Toby. And Michael and his FACE! And Jim/Pam is probably the cutest canon pairing ever. And the FIREWORKS! And the MUSTACHES! I can't wait for the new seasom.
So yesterday I was asked to come into work to help Alan clean the warehouse. Oh, that was fun (/sarcasm). We basically rearranged everything, put out stock, swept the floor, scanned everything for clearance items, and generally got sweaty and dusty. Put it was kind of good in a way too because we actually accomplished something. If anyone messes it up, I swear, heads will roll! But I basically got to hang out with Alan all day, which was cool. We didn't get talking much because we were both busy lifting heavy things, but it was good. We talked about school and stuff.
On Saturday I went tothe mall with Natalia from work. I'm always slightly nervous spending a lot of time with someone I don't know very well because I'm always afraid that we'll run out of stuff to talk about and it'll be awkward. Luckily, that didn't happen. We actually had a good day and I ended up buying two new pairs of jeans and new work shoes, both of which I desperately needed. And for dinner I went with Becka to East Sides. I haven't been there in a while, lol. She falls under the category of people I don't know too well, but that also went perfectly fine.
And can it stop raining for like two days? It seems like all it does is rain.
What else is going on.... A whole bunch of nothing.