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Jun 14, 2008 19:51

Kim and I had a huge discussion the other night about careers and growing up and that whole messed up thing. It boggles my mind that a few short years ago I was wandering into my first day of high school (oh God, five years ago) and only a few before that was my first trip to kindergarden (oh God, 15 years ago). I've started assuming I'm 20 and when people ask, I always say 20 but being that age terrifies me slightly. I'm not going to be a teenager. Real!life is fast approaching. And there's that little voice in the back of my head that, every once in a while, shouts "You should've figured this all out by now! You should know what you're going to do with your life!" Alas, I have not. But I have time. I should be focussed on things like having fun, I know plenty of 20-somethings that don't have everything figured out. I don't need to be in a rush, things have a way of sorting themselves out. Besides I still have some mistakes to make before I figure it all out.

I also need to stop staying up really late. Like 5am. My dad is starting to make a fuss about how I stay out too late and don't do enough chores (I'm not quite sure how he connected those two things together... must be a dad thing.) But I'm not sorry for it, I like staying out late and driving around and getting into trouble. Isn't that what kids are supposed to do? And I'm never tired in the morning. Well, that's kind of a lie. I hate getting out of bed but once I'm up, I'm fine. That last little bit may be a metaphor. But looking at everything, I think my parents got a pretty good kid out of this deal. I'm pretty well-behaved compared to most.

And I was at work today, in the furniture department, and I didn't completely suck ass. I sold a bunch of chairs and a table and stuff. Also, Paul told me that he just did my review and that I got the highest score he's ever given because I have "dedication" or some shit. He may have just said it to make me feel good, but he seemed genuinely happy. He just broke/spained/fucked up his foot so it may have also been pain meds.

And Operation Stanley seems to be going okay. I don't expect any of you to know what that is, but just know that it makes me giggle.

This line is dedicated to Shayna, who is the sweetest person ever, and who just had her heart broken: "And when it all goes to Hell, will you be able to tell me sorry with a straight face? ... But I still know the way to make your make-up run."
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