Work follows me around

Aug 05, 2004 20:08

I hate it when work stress gets me at home. My employee Mike called me at home and asked me to call the other employee Chris. I called him up and he told me that he is interviewing for a job that would conflict with his current job. Thats fine I know he needs the money. But now I have to make a new schudule tommorow. Which means now I get to spend my evening worrying about how I am going to juggle the schedule when I get to work tommorow. This makes me glad that I applied for another job at the target distribution center. More pay and less stress.  I hope I get it, I think anyway

On a more positive note my first shippment of comics from mailorder comics arrived. They were in great condition. looking forword to getting more next month
If I were to buy them at the newstand 21.96
The preorder price after shipping    12.82

I've drawn a few things before and tried it again last week, I used a cheap charcoal pencil I found at Fred Meyers. I liked how it looks so far maybe I'll finish the mountain someday

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