Jul 01, 2007 18:20
we are in canberra! i'm so sleep deprived that it is as though im on drugs...multiple drugs... as shawn requested please don't ever do drugs because it wont be good.
speaking of joel he was rather paranoid imagining that the police were after him and specifically following him!!!!!!!!!!!! there r funny funny quotes from joel last night
so yes i was without a top after 10 minutes in the gay bar 'Cube'
we had a fucking ball dancing to great music all together jumping up & down high energy! so much fun!!!!!! can't describe it
i can barely string a sentance together this is taking so long to write. what. oh yeah.
tpday iw as walking around camberra civic centre in trackies a blue flanno mostly unbuttoned with a thermal underneath with ugh boots and a big tweed coat = clearly i am all class
so glad i came having the best fucking time!!!!!!!!!!! love everyone here there are making the time great its not what we are doing its being with each other example a shawn jenny jew & i took 2 hours 2 get groceries i odn't know how but great munted times