Sitting at home

Dec 21, 2006 13:14

So, I think that I will post on here today. I'm at home. Not really thinking about anything. Just emailed Rachel's cousin Tim. I think that he and I are going to start discussing philosophy and let it go where ever it goes.

In other news, I know that not everyone has heard on here, but I have been officially accepted to Reformed Theological Seminary(RTS), Charlotte, NC. Rachel and I will be moving most likely in mid-January. This is exciting, nerve-wracking, scary, faith-stretching. It's exciting because it is somewhere new. It is seminary, it is my opportunity to go to school and study theology, bible, life from a biblical perspective, ect. How can I not want to do that?!? But it is everything else because it involves leaving all the people that God has graciously given me in friendship and many in brotherhood. I don't know if I will have anyone as close as some of you guys out there. I'm not necessarily sure I have done everything I needed to for you guys. Have I invested all that I could into you? Have I given God's grace in abundance? Or have I neglected my duties and calling by not really being around that much recently, by not actually restarting the Bible study that I hope WE all learned in. I don't know. I believe that God is in control and that in some sense all I have done is wrapping to a close and whatever I haven't done, is what I didn't need to do, is what God ordained for me not to do, but then again, this is after the fact. I can't know what might have been because what might have been can never be because it required a different set of decisions that I didn't make and probably wouldn't have made due to other circumstances, etc. So what is done is done. I always know I could have done more for you guys and I am sorry that I didn't. I ask for forgiveness and hope that what I was able to do for you guys will be used by God. I know that all you guys have done for me has and is still being used by God in my life. Thank you for all your blessings. I hope to update more often and maybe keep things posted about how all is going:)

God Bless!
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