
Sep 22, 2006 22:23

Theo, I have a plan. And it involves wet, clingy shirts and dancing.

You ready? I'll meet you in the entrance hall in five minutes ;)


True to his word, Blaise was waiting in the entrance hall, standing by the doors and blinking at the rain that had been falling all day.

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_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 04:32:58 UTC
Talk about an offer that was too good to resist...

Theo grinned the entire way up the stairs from the dungeon, half-jogging in his eagerness to get to his boy. Admittedly, he hoped Blaise was thinking about the same idea that he had been flirting with in his mind all day, but anything Blaise came up with involving those two things would be well worth it.

Spotting Blaise, his grin stretched wider, and he came upon him quickly, sliding his arms around his waist from behind before leaning in to nibble delicately at his ear. "Did I make it in time?"


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 04:36:26 UTC
Shivering at the feel of his teeth on his ear, Blaise turned his head just a little to look at him. "I imagine you did. Didn't bother keeping time, I knew you'd make it after all."

Grinning widely, he turned back to the sight of outdoors, blinking again. "You wanna come play in the rain with me, teddyboy?"

It was an obvious answer, but he liked asking it anyway, liked the way the words drawled out with pent up excitement because he wanted to play in the rain with Theo at least almost as much as Theo had to want to.


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 04:39:38 UTC
His smile made his whole face light up, and he didn't bother answering at first because he was sure the expression would be enough.

Hooking his fingers into the belt loops on Blaise's pants, he immediately started backing for the door, dragging his boy with him as he did so. "Only if you promise to kiss me in it, too," he teased him.


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 04:45:53 UTC
"I don't know," Blaise mused, teasing. "That sounds like a rather tall order to me. Are you sure I'm up for fulfilling it? I'd hate to be one to let you down."

Smirking, he followed Theo's coaxing, stumbling a little over their feet as they slowly exited the hall. "I think we should travel like this more often. It's jolly good fun," he told the other boy happily.


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 05:01:00 UTC
Laughing, Theo continued with the pattern, not bothered at all by how clumsy the movement was. "I'd be willing to bet that if anybody could live up to it, only you could," Theo answered with a wink.

"And I see you're having a good time," he commented happily, wincing jokingly as Blaise stepped on one of his feet again. "Let's just hope you get better with practice."


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 05:14:24 UTC
He let his mouth drop open in mock outrage at the insinuation that he wasn't great at it already. "Well I don't know, maybe you should give me more practise," he retorted, his grin widening and he winked at Theo as they got close enough out from under the cover of the outcropping roof for his eyelashes to get splattered and damp.

"There's stairs behind you," he warned cautiously, then lifted his chin determinedly. "And if you insist on placing such high quality demands on me, I shall certainly do my best to fulfill them but only if you're sure they're what you want. Do you really want to be kissed in the rain?" he asked teasingly.


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 05:18:57 UTC
"I really....really really....reallyreallyreally want to be kissed in the rain," Theo answered, cautiously dropping down the first step and guiding Blaise to do the same. He couldn't stop smiling at the other boy, and a low laugh bubbled in his chest.

"But I have a feeling you just might do an even better job than I'm expecting. Which is saying a lot since I'm expecting the single best kiss to ever happen in the rain," he added with a sly grin.


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 05:25:06 UTC
"Oh, well in that case," Blaise replied blithely, nodding his head as he followed Theo down the last few steps, "I guess I should kiss you in the rain."

"And when I do," he added, inserting a deliberate kind of haughtiness into his tone, "you're damn right it will be the best rainy day kiss to ever be received or given. Am I right, or am I right?"


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 05:29:14 UTC
"Completely right," Theo answered, slowly pulling Blaise down the walk along the castle, hoping to pull him out of sight away from any of the windows in case a Prefect or Professor looked out onto the soggy grounds.

"I haven't a single doubt," he added, tugging his boy closer, bit by bit. "But you better act soon. Wouldn't want me to hesitate and ruin it all, would you? Might get too intimidated about kissing the best rainy day kisser in the whole world..."


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 05:33:23 UTC
Lifting a hand to trail wet and cool fingertips over Theo's face, Blaise tilted his head a bit. "Oh? Well now, perhaps I should move in slowly- wouldn't do to startle you away by moving too quickly."

"But if it's as you said, and you're feeling rather intimidated... well," he added, slipping his free arm around Theo's waist, "we'll get to easing down that first while I kiss you. I shouldn't think we could wait too long anyway, you looking so sweet and appealing and downright kissable..."

He was moving closer as he spoke, closer even than Theo's tugging had brought him, almost close enough to kiss, and certainly close enough to touch...


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 05:40:03 UTC
God, Blaise had a way of saying things sometimes that made Theo's insides quiver-

-this was one of those times.

He licked his lips, tasting a drop of rain against his tongue as he did so, and his eyes began to catalogue Blaise's face. His hair was already starting to fall in damp locks, and he was moving closer until he was very nearly against him, but not quite.

"I'll be sweet," he mumbled distractedly, more interested in leaning in to collect the kiss that Blaise was tempting him with than he was in the actual words he was saying.


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 22:08:51 UTC
"You already are sweet," Blaise breathed, the words barely audible as he whispered them against the other boy's lips seconds before he closed the gap between them, small as it was, and sealed them together.


_theo_nott_ September 23 2006, 23:33:33 UTC
Theo molded willingly into him, capturing his lips in a slow, sealed kiss that mimicked the way he pulled Blaise's body to his own and pressed against it.

He knew the kiss couldn't last as long as he would want it to, mainly because he didn't want to risk being caught and losing points for their house, but he knew it would be worth it for however long it lasted.

Closing his eyes so that the small drops of rain would trail over his eyelids, he tilted his head and slid his tongue a little deeper into Blaise's mouth.


blaise_brightly September 23 2006, 23:52:40 UTC
Moaning under his breath, Blaise tightened his fingers on Theo's jaw, feeling the slick wetness of his skin under his palm and fingertips and relishing in the feeling almost as much as he relished the taste of the other boy.

Familiar, and still so incredibly delicious, it tasted like Theo- and it was wetter too, he could taste the rain on Theo's tongue somehow, he wasn't sure why but it didn't really matter anyway, just one more thing to catalogue and memorise, the way his boy tasted in the rain.


_theo_nott_ September 24 2006, 00:06:53 UTC
Angling his head in the opposite direction, Theo lifted a hand to curve around the back of Blaise's neck, urging him closer. He liked the way his hand slid over the skin, and the rain was cooler than Blaise's body.

They were quickly becoming drenched, the water soaking through their clothes until he could feel Blaise's promise start to come true, and his shirt fell more heavily against his chest.

Sliding his other hand up the other boy's back, he pressed the wet shirt against him, enjoying the strange feel and moaning quietly against Blaise's lips in approval.


blaise_brightly September 24 2006, 01:33:42 UTC
His lips curled upwards in happy pleasure as Theo pulled him closer and moaned, his hand oddly warm against his back compared to the wet shirt.

The arm he had around Theo's waist pulled back a little, enough to slip his hand up to splay out between Theo's shoulderblades, pulling him even closer so their chests could press damply together as he deepened the kiss instinctively, not even bothering to worry about any rules now.


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