Aug 02, 2004 23:57
I've been to Pansy's for three days straight now, and for three days straight nothing has changed. I'd come after Apparating lessons, the house elf would bring me up to Pansy's room, my mother (if she were with me) would stay downstairs with Mrs Parkinson and console her, and I'd spend an hour or so with Draco (who has neither been eating nor resting as much as my mother would like him to) and his book and Pansy (who only lay there and who I truly wish would not) and her silence.
Every. Single. Day.
Mother has owled her mediwizard but there is no reply yet. He's usually never at home which is why it's impossible to just drop by and drag him back to the Parkinson Manor, but we should hear from him in a week or so, I think.
In the meantime, I have the lessons, the visits, the silence and the journals.
Speaking of journals, sometimes I wish some people would take the basic courtesy of charming their entries or parts of the comments private.
I have no wish of knowing what or who you're doing or going to do, whoever you are.