May 30, 2010 22:51
I've spent a few days pondering whether to close this lj down. Eventually I decided that I won't.
I like posting on this, and I liked having the ability to lock my entries so only certain people can read them. Even though it now seems like locking posts doesn't guarantee that I am trusting the right people, I'm still going to do it... now and then.
After what has happened, I should be more cautious and on guard about what I say. But, you know what, I dislike not trusting people. And I definitely dislike not trusting people I've always trusted. So I'm going to give this lj (and people who read it) a second chance.
If things go pear shaped again (and I don't see how much more pear shaped they can go, after what's already happened), then I'm going to be abandoning this lj for good.