Feb 13, 2013 10:28
I've been feeling just a tad overwhelmed lately with the bits and pieces of all the projects before me. Teaching for hours at the dojo? No problem. Remembering to email three different people about six different things? Gah. Why is it I can recall all my clients' names and conditions and such, but only remember to fax a document when I'm sleepless in bed around three in the morn? Again, gah.
The problem--and it's a good problem, don't get me wrong!--is that many things are growing quickly, and growth demands more bits and pieces. But I'm not quite to the point with any project that I can justify getting help. The dojo is getting close. If growth continues at this rate, I'll have someone in to help by mid-March, I suspect. On the wellness side, there isn't an opportunity for help because all the current bits and pieces must be done by me, alas. (I already have someone who books my appointments for me, thank goodness!) And the writing bits are, of course, all on my shoulders.
And--oh, yes--parenting and tracking the schooling of my teenager who is now exploring post-high school options and driving options and job possibilities and renewed karate involvement and possible guitar lessons.
But for now, I have a single hour during which I can write. This I shall do.