Still Here!

Aug 19, 2015 13:10

The days are flying by now.

Saturday the truck will be loaded. Sunday we drive away. Tuesday we begin living in Colorado.

Between now and then, there is much to do, though not so much as to be crazy-making. I'm glad I took the slow-n-steady approach. Not only have I been calmer and, frankly, happier with the whole process, I've had an incredible amount of time to enjoy the company of folks I know around here. Dev is a tad more panicked, as he didn't realize just how long it would take to pack his memorabilia-packed room, but he'll make it. :)

Our poor pups are the ones most freaked out, and Tanner is actually the worst of the two. She is attached to my side, sometimes whimpering for reassurance, which is totally opposite of her usual Warrior Princess persona. I think she's fearing a repeat of what happened with her previous home, when the owner moved in with family and surrendered Tanner to the shelter.

Alas, there's nothing I can do to explain to Tanner that she's stuck with us forever. So we just keep cuddlng her whenever she reaches out for reassurance, and giving her all the love we can.

And I have a laptop! A friend here had one not being used and passed it on to me. I did a happy dance. :) I'm not going to bother setting it up before the move, though. But once I land in CO, I can hit the ground running--a good thing, considering the projects requiring my attention.

And... well, that's about all for now. Other than, "I'm moving," there isn't much more to say other than I miss being social with y'all!
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