I have a convention schedule this year! Sure, it’s short and mostly local, but it exists. It is a thing, and it pleases me today.
4th Street Fantasy, Minneapolis, MN June 26-28
This is a different kind of con-one with a single track of programming and a membership cap of 175 attendees-intending to create a shared con experience and fluid conversation. Folks have been telling me to go for years. Once programming conversations get rolling, I’ll bring up making myself available for self-publishing discussions at the writing seminar. Is that presumptuous of me? Perhaps. But any discussion of the writing business today ought to include a writer who chooses self-publishing as the primary career path rather than the consolation trail. Besides, if there’s another indie writer they’d prefer to include, great! The goal is inclusion of the experience and information, not the person. (And I’d be more than happy to write up all the reasons this is true.)
InConJunction, Indianapolis, IN July 3-5
This con is local to me, but I haven’t been in years because its scheduling conflicted with my son’s annual county dog show. Since he isn’t showing this year, and is perfectly capable of getting himself to the site to volunteer (and we aren’t driving to JFK airport to get him on a flight to Italy, as we did last year), I get to go to the con! My name appeared on the “Also Appearing” list, so I guess it’s official. I have no idea what programming will look like, but I will be making my recommendations.
GenCon, Indianapolis, IN July 30 - Aug 2
I’ve put my name in the hopper to help with any SFWA business while there. When not doing that, I’ll likely be hanging around the Writer’s Symposium, hoping their self-publishing track is less dismissive, and spending time with my cosplaying son. I’m even toying with the idea of pulling a cosplay myself. I have a soft spot for Fiona. For me, this con isn’t much a professional-writer activity, but is a fun few days instead.
MileHiCon, Denver, CO October 23-25
Since I’ve decided I’m moving that direction, it only makes sense I’d jump into a convention, right? More details on this one as time gets closer.
I already know some folks who will be at these events, but would love to meet up with others. Let me know if you’ll be around!