Apr 20, 2010 17:41
Sitting on the oh-wow-I-can-see-the-floor of the lounge, drinking a mix of 'gunpowder' green tea, skullcap and chamomile with palm sugar. In a few minutes I ought to be well mellowed out.
Tomorrow is my first Weds afternoon minding shop at Miss D, hurray both for the extra cash and the chance to sew with the embroidery thread Charmayne gave me. Some of it is extremely pretty. I might start work on some large Mexican skull patches, they'd do justice to the riot of threads I have at my disposal. Wishing I were better at embroidery but hey - practice is good.
Tried a bit of Bach on the bass guitar - the intervals are interesting and it's teaching me the great art of remembering I can arrange my fingers in non-violinist ways. That said, slow work. Definitely not the sort of thing I'd want playing through the amp. Still having to look down a lot but when I do scales or little noodles, the fingers are getting into places that make harmonies. And some things are piss easy - like the song of the Volga boatmen, hehe, easy as piss on an instrument tuned in fourths. I'll be chuffed as all get out once I can work out how to play the Ride of the Valkyries brass line on bettie, heh heh. And I'm working out exactly why certain blues-guitar keys work so nicely when you have frets to slide about on. It's... interesting. And also a neat way to unmunt my hand after a day's typing, yay for 4th finger stretches!
Speakin' of which, work's treating me well. Today felt long as heck because I started/finished late, but I learned how to do more new things. Never again will I underestimate the work of anyone in accounts. Month-end has been kinda interesting because of the great range of accounts my employer keeps with all sorts of groups - parents, teachers, consultant-y types who train the teachers, supermarket chains, Halal butchers, booksellers, Government agencies and all that red tape, and sometimes local courts. Each kind of client has its own way of doing things, so I get a bit of variety and sometimes the odd head-scratching problem. I would enjoy using more bits of the accounting database - I sorta branched out on my own today because the ladies were in a meeting and I wanted to try and solve a problem by myself, and that's going to be handy... but I'm really just in one bit of the available system and I'd like to know what happens after that. The mundane problem-solving tasks like getting archives in good order, or hunting down supplies out of nowhere, are weirdly appealing too. I guess I appreciate the chance to get up from the computer after 2 years with headphones on and head down.
Sewing for this evening - Lou's coat and Gynn's collar. Food is on to cook, beef casserole with vague hints at the Asiatic because I can't be assed making generic tomato-and-italian-herb guff, and why not.
I was naughty and bought a dress. And a cheap-ass cardigan that is destined to be my sewing cardigan, I can just tell. I don't usually go for cardies but this one makes me think of tabby cats and, well, no sewing mad girl is complete without a daggy sewing cardigan. I got to venture out to shop with neleh_yam and this was Extremely Good! It's been forever and even longer since I spent a great length of time with her, and seeing her today was somehow Just Right. She's neat.
Investigated moonbounces for the sake of an awesome plot that Karley and I hatched. Warehouse stocks them but they are so small - they don't even coome up to my knees! - that they'dbe no good for grownups. And grownups are definitely the target participants in this odd scheme of ours. Time to do further questing. Perhaps rebel sport can offer large sproingy balls.