Nov 04, 2001 01:17
The other day I realized that living the rest of my life as a kindergarten teacher is not for me. I enjoy the kids at times they are fun, but the process of the teaching here drags a little. At times I feel like the education I bought is just going to waste. Althuough alot of people I know feel the same way by working a deskjob. Probably they would trade any digit or thumb to trade with me. Think about this though you might be bored by making copies, doing company reports. What about singing, "You are my sunshine", four times a day, and helping the little boys learn how to urinate. Now the job is easy but sometimes I feel as though I am getting dumber by the minute. Yes I have heard others say this but as a result of too many pat-a-cake my mind is numb. Thank god that I spend lots of time studying the language, practicing writing, speaking, and traveling around town to visit new areas of interest. The funny thing is that when I tell other foreigners that I do this they think I am crazy, sometimes the taiwanese are a little shocked as well. Most foreigners here- Many American- tend to just make money and experience nothing. THey either make money to travel to another land or make money to go back to america with. The reason the taiwanese are a little shocked when I tell them what I do is a really simple answer. They have been so used to the foreigner who comes for the money, abusal of women, and abusal as stupid foreigner who has no concept of learnign a new language for communication. So I am not saying I am better all I am saying is that I enojoy the stimulation of new things, the experience of it all. THe money is just fleeting but to others the money is what drives the stereotype of the asshole foreigner. Well enough for now, hope everyone had fun at homecoming. I wish I could be their for a day or two, it woudl be nice to see everyone.