Fic: Breathe In Now - Chapter 1/27+Epilogue

Apr 30, 2013 10:27

Title: Breathe In Now - Chapter One
Chapter: 1/27+Epilogue
Author: star55
Rating: NC-17. Chapter rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine, Kurt/OMC (extremely brief), Blaine/OMC (past), Mercedes/Sam, Santana, Rachel, Cooper, Burt, Carole and OCs.
Word Count: 4,200+/106,800+
Summary: Love is like breathing. Sometimes it comes easier for others and sometimes it takes a moment to catch your breath but as long as you keep inhaling, things will be okay. Kurt Hummel never expected Blaine Anderson, a man twice his age, to catch his breath and subsequently be the one he fell in love with.
Warnings: Whole fic: AU, age difference, slow build, frottage, hand jobs, blow jobs, consensual somnophilia, and semi-public sex. Things will also have chapter warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Age difference.
A/N: Written for this prompt on the Glee Kink Meme.
A/N 2: A massive thanks to my beta readers: slayerkitty, Misty, Jenny and my cheerleader Nacho. Without you guys, this thing wouldn’t be in existence. ♥
A/N 3: ALSO, this story is first and foremost a love story, and yes, there is a slow build up, please keep that in mind. This story is also complete and will be posted one or two chapters per week, depending on my RL commitments. This story is also a dual POV story. The first half of every chapter is in Kurt’s POV and the second half of every chapter is in Blaine’s POV. The entire story is in third person.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I just have a vivid and healthy imagination.

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author/artist: star55, fic meme, kurt/blaine, blaine, rating: nc-17, kurt, multi-chaptered

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