Fic: First Klaine Kit, Day 3

Oct 07, 2012 00:03

Title: Cohabitation
Author: Jessica Dawn
Rating: G
Summary: Blaine loves evenings in the apartment he and Kurt share in New York.

Disclaimer: I do not own the show or the characters. I only own the fics.
Author's Notes: On tumblr, there is a project going on called the First Klaine Kit. It is a 'first aid kit' for Klainers. Every day for 8 days there will be a different theme to post for. Day 3 is Cohabitation. I wrote a short one shot for each day, with each of my one shots being part of the same 'verse. I didn't bother titling them, so they're all just named after the theme of the day. For all of you hurting from 4x04, I hope my fics help, and feel free to go peruse the tumblr for more bandages.

Click here for Cohabitation
Click here for my First Klaine Kit Masterpost

glee, fan fiction, kurt/blaine, blaine, kurt, multi-chaptered, rating: g

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