Title: The Death of Kurt's Dignity 8-11/?
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairings: Kurt/Blaine (and the rest of canon), New Directions, Warblers.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: ...overuse of nerdy references
Length: 1511, 1677, 2354, and 1932 respectively
Genre: Flangst.
Spoilers: up to 3x07
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, sadly. Neither is Facebook.
Summary: A facebook style fic set after 'New York' that involves all of the New Directions and a few of our favorite Warblers!
Chapter 8:
The First Time: The Finchel StoryChapter 9:
The First Time: The Klaine StoryChapter 10:
Mash Off MadnessChapter 11:
I Kissed A Dolphin Title: Meet Blaine 8/?
Author: left_behind_me
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Blaine/Kurt (pre-slash), New Directions, Warblers, Hudmels.
Genre: Humor/Friendship/Fluff
Warnings: ... none for this chapter
Word Count: 5033
Spoliers: Up to 2x07
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, sadly.
Summary: Kurt met Blaine through bad circumstances, they became best friends, and then fell in love. Here's how Blaine and Kurt's relationship progressed from the moment they met up to the day Kurt transfers to Dalton. Prequel to 'Meet the Warblers'.
It's Rainin', Rainin'