The Grass is Always Greener (11/?)

Oct 01, 2011 21:31

Title: The Grass is Always Greener
Author: A Doctor Like Martha
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Klaine saga through the eyes of Blaine's sister who has quite a few issues of her own.
Disclaimer: Reegan/Reggie Anderson is mine. The others not so much.
Author's notes: I wish I could update more often. Unfortunately, work dictates I write when not on call. Parts 1 -10 can be found here.

              She didn’t talk to her brother for the rest of the weekend. Instead, she stayed over at Aaron’s, going home only to do her pre-performance preparations. It wasn’t so much that she was angry at her brother, but rather disappointed that he could be so thick-headed at times. And it wasn’t even that this was what he thought about Kurt. It’s that he said it to her. In all honesty, she knew she’d crossed the line and was pretty much embarrassed to admit as much to herself, let alone Blaine. But just, why couldn’t he keep his head out of other people’s business? If Kurt wasn’t ready to have “the talk,” he shouldn’t have to face “the talk.” Reggie never had to deal with “the talk.” She simply discussed these issues either in group or with her one-on-one therapist. And even beforehand, she always made sure the guy had way too much to drink for him to even try to put moves on her. Or maybe she was jealous that he was so worried about Kurt and never even thought about talking to her about sex. That had to be it, she decided. She was upset that her brother cared more about a friend’s issues with intimacy than he did about hers. Stupid female hormones.

Kurt was at the Sunday performance with several kids Reggie recognized from the Valentine’s Day concert. For a kid who was ostracized and an outcast at his old school, he had quite a few friends. He certainly had more friends than Reggie ever had as a member of the popular crowd.

As she stepped on stage, she gave Kurt a big wave and mouthed to him to wait for her after the show. If she was ever going to be able to face her brother again, she figured she better talk to Kurt first. It seemed strange, but she felt she needed to make sure their friendship was still intact and veering towards that eventual relationship she was hoping for.

“You look so much more relaxed than you did last time,” Reggie said after she hugged Kurt hello. “Blaine told me what he did. I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Kurt said as he took a seat. “He meant well. It all turned out okay, really, after the awkward stuff. He told me you were giving him the silent treatment. You didn’t have to take my side.”

Reggie went to put her fingers through her hair before she realized that it was still full of product, “Yeah, I…that wasn’t about you. It was just…he means well, really he does but sometimes he just puts his foot in his mouth and I couldn’t be around him for a while. It happens, you know?”

“You never got the talk from your parents?”

“I did, boy did I, right after the first time my parents caught a boy in my room,” Reggie took a deep breath and looked away. “But it wasn’t the right talk, you know? I mean there’s a big difference between what people do between the sheets and why people do what they do between the sheets. I haven’t even come to terms with my body. There’s no way in hell I’m letting anybody else come to terms with it.”

It took a few seconds before Reggie realized Kurt hadn’t responded, and that she was still holding her breath. She looked up to see a look blending concern, sympathy and understanding. Fearing she might have revealed too much of herself, she exhaled, “So anyway, did your friends enjoy the show?”

Kurt’s serious face immediately dissolved and was replaced with one of elation. “Did they?” he exclaimed before he went on a long explanation of what each of his friends had said about the show and, especially, Reggie’s performance.

When she got home, Reggie found her brother studying in the living room. As quietly as she could, she dropped her bags, sat on the couch and put her head on Blaine’s shoulder.

“I take it you’ve forgiven me for whatever I did wrong,” Blaine said, putting down his pen and giving his sister a huge hug.

“I talked to Kurt.”

“So did I. I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize what I was saying to you. I forget, sometimes, that what you’re going through is nothing compared to what Kurt is and I am.”

Reggie did her best to rustle her brother’s perfect coif as he turned back to his homework. She then went to get her own work and sat back on the couch, this time on the opposite side and let Blaine put his feet in her lap. They were comfortable like this, two teenagers in an adult-free house sitting on the couch and doing…homework. Why couldn’t their parents understand what great kids they had, Reggie wondered. Who knew that being smart could be so…rebellious.

Reggie was in her room studying, or rather attempting to study since her brother kept pacing out in the hallway without the decency to say anything and it was really getting on her nerves. After about ten minutes, she gave up.

“Goober, get in here!”

“Yes, Prez?” he ducked his head in innocently.

“Oh nothing. It’s just that one of the joys of having a portico instead of an actual door, I can hear you pacing up and down the steps, muttering to yourself like a madman. Where’s the dapper brother I love so much? This one’s pissing me off.”

Blaine entered her room and sat on her chair, pulling it over to the bed, “Reegan, is it…can I ask you a question?”

Reggie smiled, “Always.”

“With Aaron,” he stammered, “how long, how did you know, when was the moment you figured out your feelings for him?”

“You told me.”

“Come on, be serious.”

“I am being serious. Look,” she pulled him to the bed, “when you told me about his feelings, I was in total disbelief but it got me thinking and the next time I saw him, it was like a veil lifted or something and I saw him for him, the concern in his eyes, but also the genuine happiness hiding beneath. And I also realized I enjoyed, truly enjoyed being with him, like I could be myself, even when I was hiding.”

“But you didn’t tell him in the hospital.”

Reggie guffawed, “Oh, hell no and for two reasons. First, there were doubts in mind, like huge doubts. I wanted to be sure it wasn’t some kind of fever dream I made up or the meds I was on or being vulnerable. Second, I was in the freaking nut house! I don’t know about you but the idea of starting a relationship while being committed doesn’t sound like it’s bound for a happy ending, does it?”

“Not really, no.”

“But then, when I came back, and he was there and I kissed him, I felt home, like really home. It was like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. I was looking so hard and so far for what was right next door and all it took was a near death experience for my brain to figure out what my heart already knew.”

Blaine sighed, “Thanks for telling me.”

“Why are you asking this?” Reggie cocked an eyebrow. “Is this about Kurt?”

Blaine blushed, “Kind of, yeah. He did something today that just made me…what did I do without him for so long?”

She put her hand on his shoulder, “You managed. So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. Every time I’ve declared my feelings for somebody, it’s blown up in my face.”

“That’s because you make a big spectacle of yourself. And those were also guys you had crushes on, not your friend.”

“But what if he doesn’t like me like that? What if…”

“No what ifs. He’s mad about you. He has been since the day you two met.”

“How do you know?”

“Duh, I have eyes. And he told me,” Reggie took a breath. “Blaine, you’re my brother and I love you but you’re an idiot.”

“Gee, thanks, Prez.”

“Seriously, I know you and I know him. You have the Anderson charm no girl or guy can resist. My advice is tell him…and then kiss him and then you’ll be home too.”

“But it’s regionals this weekend. We’re never alone.”

“So make up a reason to be.”

Blaine hugged Reggie hard, “What would I do without you?”

“Be miserable,” she said as she broke the embrace. “And Blaine?”


I love you.”

Blaine got up and turned to leave, “I love you too.”

fan fiction, spoilers, kurt/blaine, rating: pg-13, multi-chaptered

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