Header contest!

Sep 03, 2011 16:38

Hello all! I realize it's been a little quiet on the mod front, but you guys have been really amazing so as far as I've seen there hasn't been a need for a heavy hand from us.

However, I was noticing how old our comm's header and icon were. I had made the icon way back when from the leaked video of Blaine's first appearance and, as you can see, the header is from old photoshoots of Darren and Chris.

Now that we have a plethora of images of the boys both off and on the screen I thought it was high time for a header contest! WOOT!

Here's the rules:

- Header size must no bigger than 800px in width and 295px in height. I am partial to the layouts created by midenianscholar and am thinking of using one of her layouts (seen here) for the group, and that particular layout requires that size header. Your header does not need to match the color scheme, but if it inspires you go with it!

- Icons must fit within LJ requirements: 100x100, 40kb or less.

- Header file size must be less than 1 MB in size.

- File type must be either a JPG or PNG. If you feel the urge to make an animated header, you can submit it, but keep in mind the file size. Same goes for icons.

- The header/icon must be of Kurt and Blaine. You may use images of Kurt/Chris and Blaine/Darren in or out of character. Please try to use the highest quality images you can find. The higher the quality, the better the graphic looks! Feel free to ask if you can't find any images.

- The header/icon must have the group's name on it somewhere. If you feel the need to add something like "a Blaine/Kurt shipping comm" or the like you may, but it's not required.

- Each member may only submit up to 3 headers or 3 icons. You can submit icons and headers together, with a similar theme, or you can submit three icons and no headers. It's up to you and what you think your strength is.

You can submit your graphics here, the comments will be screened. Post either a link to the images or the images themselves. Don't put your name on the graphics, the creator will be credited in the profile of the group.

Submissions will be accepted until midnight EST September 16. Voting will take place from September 17-September 19, the winners will be announced and the layout updated September 20, just in time for the Season Three premiere! (Due to real life the voting schedule is subject to change, but I am going to do to my best to make sure that doesn't happen)

If you have any questions, leave a comment here or PM me.

header contest, !mod post

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