Tide Lapse Footage

Jul 02, 2006 21:28

I don't have much time before Sean prompts me to change laptops so's I can better understand the obsession with WOW. I swear, the only way he'll get off that game is if I ask to play. It's weird.

I had some stuff to say, but as usual, it's either less important than I thought, or I forgot it altogether. I need to outline it all real quick so I don't forget.

1. Blue Planet: Watching all these primordial organisms floating around in the nutrient-rich soup of the ocean, I wonder about how we're living in someone else's 600-million-years-ago. The glowing TV my friends and I are watching, the language we use to talk to each other about it - itself having evolved over only a few hundred years - all our garbage and pollution and corpses and art = completely disposable in the big picture. After we're wiped out, will the jellyfish I'm watching on TV now evolve into the next lifeform capable of discovering our fossils and contemplating our existence? The bizarre musings of a hopeless nerd, I know. But I can almost feel it: the snapshot I have of the three of us sitting in the dark living room focused on the glowing blue screen already seems like the imagining of some distant race of philosophers.

**Oh FUCK YEAH! My lower back just popped in five places. It was gorgeous.**

2. Anxiety: Three stages, starting with One, reaching with Two, and finally exploding at Three.

3. Chevelle: Somebody needs to slap me. Heather? Mkay, cuz the thought crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, yunno, I could go without seeing CHEVELLE HERE IN DENVER ON MY BIRTHDAY, THEIR FIRST SHOW SINCE DEAN CUT UP HIS HANDS, AND WITH NEW MATERIAL THEY'VE BEEN WRITING FOR THEIR NEXT ALBUM. Nah, I thought briefly. Money's been painfully tight, school's been harsh, my mental health sucks, I already saw the best Chevelle concert that could ever happen and it may never get better than that, I hate arena shows, bla bla bla. Please, someone. I need you to make abso-fucking-lutely sure that I attend this concert.

If you wanna be an extra-special friend, make sure I go to the Deftones/Flyleaf concert, too. XD

OMG there's a ten-pound snail on TV.


skool, anxiety, music: chevelle

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