Blessed in the Toilet

Jun 01, 2006 22:39

I had a weird encounter today. As I walked into the lady's restroom, a woman walked in right behind me. Since I had only gone in to adjust my clothes, I walked into a stall and secured it without any other noise to make. She walked into the stall right next to mine, and sat. And waited. And waited, and... When I wasn't making any bathroom-relevant sounds, she sighed, "Mercy," and decided to strike up a conversation. By that time, though, I was walking out of the stall.

"Sooo," she said. "How are you today?" I looked around as I stepped towards the sinks; the only other person there was Supergoth Girl*, reapplying her eyeliner.
"Umm, me?" I asked.
"Yeah!" she replied.
"Uh, I'm good, thanks. How about you?"
"Oh, I'm blessed," she said in a winded tone. I took it to be irony. She continued. "It's hot outside."
"Yeah, and then it's too cold inside."
"I know! Some of my classes are just freezing."
"So what degree are you in?"
"Game art."
"GaMe ArT and Design"
"Oh, neat... I didn't even know they had that here."
"Oh, yeah. It's fun."


"Well, take it easy," I said. It didn't occur to me till just now how bad a pun that was.
"God bless you! Take care," she said.

And so I walked out of the bathroom with my toilet blessing.

*That's not meant to be derogatory. It's just that if I said supergoth, you'd recognize her if you saw her. I simply don't know her real name.

Oh my god. Alex Toth died?!?! WTF?? I JUST did a paper on him! I was gonna adopt him as my sequential art spirit guide! Fiddlesticks.

Seriously, I just randomly picked his name off the list of artists to research. No reason at all besides the fact that his name simply drew my attention. And for three hours I researched him and wrote a 700 word paper. It was fate.

Alex, I vow from this day forward that I will always bare your most passionate views on the comic industry in mind. With all those long lists of adjectives, how could I forget? Rest in peace, gentle sir.

(It's so weird to visit his site now that he's passed; the site I first visited when it celebrated him as a living artist. It's gonna be quite a change now that the site will be celebrating his life and work, instead of him as a person. I only knew him for 3 hours - indirectly - but I feel a great loss.)

I had another note to add here, but after watching Family Guy, I've forgotten it. Goodnight then.


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