A Letter to You

Feb 22, 2006 09:29


Where is everybody?? I hate checking my Friends page ten times a day to find, each time, that no one has anything to say!

I had a headache-inducing dream last night that I ate a cat and escaped from a werewolf who was also trying to eat the cat. The funny thing is that the cat was my friend, and I was doing my utmost to protect him from any harm. But it ended up being me who ate half of him... He wanted me to, though. So I ate part of him (the circumstance was a matter of survival, I believe). But I forgot to stitch him back together afterwards - he didn't remind me - and later I found he had dragged his body as close as he could to our home before he finally died in the snow. Dear God, what a horrid dream. I think it has something to do with how mean I am to SJ sometimes... It was a fat orange tabby. And NO!! I'm NOT insinuating anything!

What else? Oh, there's this analogy I've been wanting to tell you about, cuz I thought it was so clever when I came up with it. =P

There's a song called "Love, Hate, Love" by Alice in Chains that I've been pining to acquire since I remembered it. For those who have never heard it, it's really dark and has this theme of doomed immortal-obsession. Since AiC was never really a band to seriously make that kind of music, my guess is that it's a really good parody. THE THING IS, it's a little too good... I find myself secretly, guiltily indulging the dark charm of the spooky lyrics, "Lost inside my sick head / I live for you but I'm not alive / Take my hand before I kill / Still love you, but I still burn..." I dunno. It's like getting a pocket rocket as a gag gift and then turning around and actually using it.

So I think that's it for now. That's enough for a public entry, anyway. I've already said too much. Now any curious stranger can find out just how demented I am.

Oh, and, on another note: my theory is that it is a physiological response to intense stress. With adequate rest and efficient energy management, it should pass in a few weeks. Thanks to all those who've helped me through this trying time. <3


music: alice in chains, dreams, letters

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