
Jul 02, 2005 00:10

So three particularly shitty things happened to me today.

1. I cried in front of SJ. And realized I still have a lot more of my pride to swallow.
2. The chick at my bank was a fucking sweetzie-ch0la bitch who wanted nothing more than to make me feel stupid.
3. Best Buy wouldn't let me exchange that horrible edited version of SPUN. I really wanted EVENT HORIZON, too.

And ya know, there was a lot more shittiness: I got heat-sickness (my own fault), and I was in such a mood that everything felt like a Holden Caulfield mini tear-down. It's all the little shitty things. They kill. I kept whining, "Why is this happening to me?" Fuck, I know better than that. I know better than that. I should stop being such a drama queen. I admit to wanting attention. That's why I cried in front of SJ. It was completely unnecessary and rather inappropriate. I wish I could take it back.

Well, after I got out of work, I was so tired I went to Layla's jeep to take a nap. Yes, a nap in this fucking summer heat in a parked car... (Hezzah, don't even tell anyone what I was wearing. X_X)

Thankfully, Heather called and we arranged to go to lunch. By the time she came, I was half-asleep in the burning jeep; a shimmering of sweat glossing my skin almost as an emergency precaution. I was dizzy all day anyway, but this didn't help. I felt painfully dehydrated...

After the last two shitty events listed up there occurred, it was time to drag my unwilling ass back to school. We had a math MID-TERM tonight, so there was no ducking out. I was only hoping it would be like last time: we take our quick test, and when we're done we can go home.

The day was about to take a sharp turn...

1. Star said, "Sign in, pick up a test, go home and enjoy your weekend. Just make sure you bring it back completed next Friday." I told her I loved her. God Bless that woman.

2. The Barnes and Noble FINALLY fucking stocked JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC in the Graphic Novels section. I would have pissed myself, but I was busy running over to get a copy. I love that book. Like I've said, it changed my life. I told Heather, "It showed me that pain helps you grow, and people are the best source of that pain." And then I remarked, "And after learning that important lesson, I hermited myself away in the desert for two years..." Well, I guess it's time to apply that lesson. So I'll be reading that book again right about now. Oooh, I also got the anonymous diary, "Go Ask Alice," at Heather's recommendation. Thanks sweetie!! XD I LOVE reading about drug-culture, and listening to songs about it (Junkhead by Alice in Chains) I never plan to join, though. ^^

3. Joe Loeffler quit Chevelle. Yeah, that's right. This is in my list of GOOD things to happen to me today. See, I had told Heather not long ago that Joe is an asshole, and you could tell he really didn't want to be where he was. I saw in a recent interview that he was only hanging on for the money. You know it's time to end it when someone says that - they're no more than a whore, then. I know other Chevelle fans would like to stab my eyes out right now, but fuck them. I knew this was coming, and I even hoped for it. Joe was not happy where he was. You could tell - he was really tired and unappreciative of the whole thing. I knew he was barely hanging on, AND I knew that even if he dropped out, Pete and Sam would continue to make music. Wow. I can't believe how spot on I was.

I mean, hey, Joe's a great bassist -- my favorite Chevelle songs are the bass-heavy ones like "Comfortable Liar" and "An Evening with El Diablo." But at the same time, I was wildly curious to know what kind of turn the band would take if they got themselves a bassist who gave two shits about his profession. Lo, and fucking behold: GENO LENARDO will be replacing Joe. OMG!!!!!1 XD I could not have asked for anything better, and I believe it to my absolute core... The guitarist from my 3/3 favorite band, FILTER will be the [temporary] replacement for Mr. Loeffler!! Holy krapp!! Wow. Amazing.

I have yet to visit any Chevelle website or [*shudder*] forums. I bet it's all in a torrential uproar. Hee... and Joe was the cute one, too. *Makes evil face, but then realizes all the other stupid girls will start fawning harder over Pete* [/insert Flaming Heart-Break] Dammit. Oh well.

In all seriousness, I wish Joe the absolute best. I hope he finds something to make him happy, and I hope... I just hope the absolute best for him, with all my heart. He deserves to be happy (even though he's a Green Day-hating Republican). :P Through the ugliness of his attitude in some of the later interviews, the man did seem like a hard-working, straight-laced individual. I sincerely wish him success in whatever he chooses to pursue now. Good luck, Joe, and God Bless. We're thankful for your years with Chevelle, and despite what I said, you will be missed.

(God, I hope he never sees this.)

heather, skool, sean j, music: chevelle

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