There and Back Again: A Saturday's Afternoon

May 03, 2009 11:54

Made it to work on the bike in one hour, and that included stops to take pictures. Now, I'm no kaminaru or sarahdownundah, so bear with me here.

Riverpass #1

Underpass #1 (Federal Blvd.)

Misty Valley #1 (Front Range Community College)

Underpass #2 (112th Ave.)

Underpass #3 (Sheridan Blvd.)

And on the way back (during and after the rain):

Misty Valley #2 (Legacy Ridge)

Riverpass #2

Alas, lonely Mallard! I also saw a lone goose, but my camera battery was dying so I refrained from taking his picture.

There were actually two or three more underpasses, but as it was starting to rain and my battery power was running out - AND I was trying to time myself - I didn't take pictures. Next time (on a weekend) I will take as many underpass and bridge pictures as I can. Also, my camera sucks; it was a bit darker and the mist was heavier than the photos show. Or maybe my perception was being subtly altered by the awesome playlist I had going. It included such moody bits as A Perfect Circle, Tool, string tributes, the theme from Last of the Mohicans, etc.

Now I'm gonna get ready for a sushi lunch and matinée - Wolverine: Origins. Squee!!


seasons, weather, pics, biking

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