Fuck Abel, Save ME

Dec 20, 2008 18:10

Ugh. I can't believe I'm going to pay for this shit. But, I'm bored and restless and I wanted some new stimuli, so I broke the plastic wrap and burned the disc to my external.

Gawd. Is anyone else getting tired of this crap? All this overtly sexual nonsense coming from the likes of Nickelback, Theory of a Deadman, and now Saving Abel. At least the first two bands have better work from their earlier days, proving that at one point, they were able to write gimmick-free lyrics that might've meant something... maybe. But Saving Abel? Two songs in and I'm already thinking "Fuck you guys. Fall off the face of the Earth."

Man, back when it started (again - for our generation) it was a fun cheap thrill. "Figured You Out" was like the hand of a hot date creeping up between your thighs in a dark public place. But now it's lost its magic. Now it's just assault; as with any "initial filthy thrill," it just wore off.

Of course, most male audiences seem to still be enjoying it. My dad was the one who said, "Oh man! You gotta hear Saving Abel!" and my boyfriend has taken a shine to yet ANOTHER Nickelback song (brand new!) called "Something in Your Mouth". I think it's pretty funny that this kind of song-writing started out on a good note with the female audiences, but now that it's soured, the only ones getting off on it are other guys. Heh heh.

Well, since I'm shelling out too much money for this shitty piece of plastic, I might as well listen to the whole thing first and give it a fairer chance. But I don't have the patience to read the lyrics, so I'll give it the honor of being the background music I use to levitate and breathe fire at enemies in City of Villains. Ciao.


music: column

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