
May 31, 2008 13:29

You know how sometimes you wake from a dream because an emotion was too strong, like fear or sadness - you wake up crying or panting? I actually woke up from being incredibly happy. I had just dreamt that Sam Loeffler knew who I was and kept the picture I'd sent him of when we first met (even though, obviously, we've never met). That's what woke me up, but prior had been a long string of Chevelle events. For some reason, I really don't feel like going into all of it, so suffice it to say that we were all close friends and they actually needed ME to help THEM out with a pretty serious set of situations. We stuck by each other and it was really bittersweet and beautiful. It made me feel worried for them, though. I think I'll go check out their websites for any news.


dreams, music: chevelle

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