Dec 05, 2007 19:17

I had the WORST DAY EVER. But I didn't get killed, so that alone makes it a great day.

I went out an hour before I had to be at work thinking that would be sufficient time to shovel my car out. I was wrong. I started working on it at 6:30.

Around 7:20 a guy came out of the building across the street to shovel off the sidewalk. When he finished that, he came over and tried to help me. Shoveling, pushing, cat litter, at one point we had two guys (besides me) pushing. No shit. I didn't have the emergency brake on either. Finally around 7:45 we managed to get it unstuck and on the street. I thanked the guys profusely and then headed off to work. It was still snowing, but the streets were pretty clear.

Well, except for ON RAMP TO THE INTERSTATE which was covered in snow and ice. It's not like some little back alley on ramp either it's the main friggin one for this whole residential part of town. I love how they had time to plow ASTOR FREAKING AVENUE, but they weren't keeping the interstate on ramp clear. At rush hour. That makes a whole lot of sense.

Well, EVERYONE was sliding around like bumper cars on a greased track, so I decided to play too. I was in the middle lane, but I ended up in the right lane which was completely stopped and packed full of cars that had slid over there. Immediately following me was another mustang so I effectively could not go forward or backwards. Which sucked because the car in front of me was STUCK. He couldn't move at all. And the car behind me was stuck. I wasn't stuck in the snow at all, I had traction, but I couldn't pull back over into the middle lane without risking sliding into the guy in front or behind me so I had to sit there for like 30 minutes and wait on them to figure out what to do.

Anyhow, this guy came walking down the side of the road with a shovel and started freeing the cars in front of me one by one. He didn't work for the county or anything, he was just a guy with a shovel. So I had two encounters with good Samaritan types. Finally, he managed to dig out the girl behind me and she backed off the on ramp and went a different way. So I backed up and then started driving forward. I wasn't sliding, but I felt like I had a flat tire so I pulled over again and got out to look. Turns out there was so much snow packed into my treads that no part of the rubber was actually touching the asphalt. I cleaned them out and had no further issues getting to work.

I stayed relatively busy all day, but since I was late I ended up having to work until 6:00 PM because I'm having to make up an hour every day for missing half of Monday. It sucked.

Coming home wasn't too bad except that I spent an hour driving around looking for a parking spot. No shit. I was being picky, but still. I was trying to find one without too much snow ALREADY IN IT and not in a tow away zone because that's the last thing I need to be worrying about right now.

I finally found one like six blocks or more from my apartment. It's going to be hell in the morning because I nearly managed to get myself stuck just pulling into it. I was worried that I wasn't going to be close enough to the curb and then I looked and the curb was like six feet over that way. No shit. Except there was a 3 foot pile of snow between it and me and there were other cars parked in line with mine so I said well whatever...

I would be fine if I didn't have a car at all. The car is the source of all my problems. I've been calling all the garages around here. The average monthly rent for an indoor parking space is $150. The closest one is .6 miles away. With most of them being closer to a mile. But as I told Mom, I can walk a mile in the snow in less time than I can dig my car out of a drift. of course they're all full. If I could find one I'd just stash my car for the rest of the week and ride the bus since it's supposed to snow every freaking day between now and next Thursday.

For contrast, Mom says it's 70 degrees at home. Gerald took her to the park during her lunch break today. They had a picnic.


It's 64 F in my apartment and it feels warm. I'm not even cold enough to bother turning the thermostat up.
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