
Nov 26, 2007 18:01

In a typical Jesse manuever, I set the alarm for 6:00 PM and therefore seriously overslept this morning. My parking spot vanished of course in the mad rush for people to get close to the door so they wouldn't get bushwhacked leaving work. This is ridiculous. Somebody needs to go in and Boondock Saints the whole neighborhood. I would gladly do it myself if not for the absurd legal ramifications. People can sell drugs, pimp hos, smoke crack, and pull guns on law abiding citizens* and get a slap on the wrist, but if some otherwise law abiding vigilante comes along and PUTS THE FEAR OF GOD IN THEM then the feds will throw the book at him. Totally jacked up legal system if you ask me, but nobody does.

Anyway, I am now officially in charge of my team at work, we are now officially something like 15% behind schedule, and it's now officially on my ass. I foresee all kinds of fun in the next month since they're still saying GOLD in December. ROTLFMAO. Yeah, that's a good joke.

Since I left work late I was at least lucky enough to catch the shuttle to the far parking lot and therefore was saved the trouble of glowering evilly at the people working the street after dark.

Around noon I got a craving for pizza, so after I got home I did a google search for pizza and then walked to Zaffiro's Pizza on Farewell and Brady. I had pizza AND beer in the fridge, but I went there anyway because I had to prove something to myself. I'm not sure what I proved to myself except that I was right in thinking that it is way too damn cold to go outside after dark.

It was a baby step in the right direction anyway. I had never been to a place like that alone before. (Now the city-dwelling Yankees are going, "What? A pizza parlor?" and my fellow Arkies are going "Oh shit. You're brave. I'd never go in a place like that alone either!") I have now and it was ok. So next time will be easier.

I didn't care much for the pizza. It was sort of like a Jesus Cookie (TM) with cheese. And burnt around the edges.

Still the whole atmosphere (pizza bar) made me somewhat nostalgic for that pizza place Scott used to take me. The pizza there was much better, although I'll admit there is possibly some bias due to the company and splendor of the evenings. Our anniversary would be this week sometime. I'm planning to go out for a rum and coke in memory of all the good times.

While I was walking back I was reminded of an SCA-TODAY article I saw a couple years ago about the Parliament of Australia drafting a bill to ban swords because (due to strict gun control laws) street toughs were starting to carry swords (I'd think they would be more likely to carry knives like normal people, but hell everyone knows Aussies are crazy. How do you conceal a SWORD?). OMGs, I would so totally move to a city where the gangsters ran around with swords. That would be totally worth it. I'd be the first person in line for immigration.

You'd see me walking around in a big black leather trench coat and sunglasses looking all like Neo.

(Thug): Hey! You! Kid! Give me all your money or I'll stab you with this little sword that I somehow miraculously managed to hide inside my coat.
(Me): Pardon me while I whip this out. *shrieks in the background*
(Thug): Jesus Christ what is that?
(Me): This is a 38" bastard sword hand forged in the Toledo style by a buddy of mine back in the states. En garde!
(Thug): AHH!!!
(Me): *KABONG*
*five minutes later*
(Me): It was self-defense he tried to stab me first.
(Cop): Yes, I see that, but did you have to scatter the pieces of the body on the four street corners?
(Me): Well you wouldn't want him coming back as a vampire or something would you? *sweet and innocent*

Yes I know I'm psychotic. They don't make padded rooms big enough.

EDIT: I forgot my footnote

* As a Libertarian I must add the obligatory disclaimer that I have no problems with people selling drugs, pimping hos, or doing crack so long as they do it responsibly, pay taxes on it, and don't cause or commit violent crimes.
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