Nov 13, 2007 16:06
Apparently last night one of the guys I work with on a daily basis got robbed at gun point while walking from the OFFICE to the PARKING LOT. At 5:00 PM.Right in front of our wonderful rent-a-cop security guards who watched the whole thing from the safety of their car.
I have always had the distinct feeling that my office was located in the ghetto, but I have been dismissing that thought as a delusion of inborn paranoid white trash redneck KKK mentality. At least now I can say that I was right because after the stories I heard today... let's just say this was not an isolated incident.
Oh great, now I have to acknowledge the possibility that I could get shot WALKING TO MY CAR.
I was thinking about this on the drive home. I can live in McRedneckville and get bashed in the head with a shovel for being a faggot or I can live in the city where some random dude kills you for $5 and a pair of sneakers. I could tolerate either of those extremes but for one simple fact....
Seriously. If some bastard tries to kill me I am going to kill his ass first. No ifs, ands, or butts. Then I'll go to jail for the rest of my life. Where is the justice in that? If you could kill anyone who tried to kill you with no repercussions there would be a lot less violent crime because all the bastards would be dead.
I'm going to sound like one of those communist/Nazi scientists but some people are just ignorant. Any guy, ANY GUY AT ALL be he a white guy, or an African American guy, or a Mexican guy, or a Chinese guy, it doesn't matter... ANY GUY who goes around with a gun smoking crack and robbing people is ignorant. He contributes nothing to society, just creates a general nuisance and he ought to be exterminated just like a stray dog that goes around biting people. How is it any different? It's not. If you become a menace to society you've voluntarily given up your right to peaceful co-existence.
As a social liberal I'm supposed to be against the death penalty, but I'm not. Honestly, I don't think it's harsh enough. Sure, the current legal system is fucked up and innocent people get convicted of crimes, but that is an issue in the system that should be addressed in other ways. If you ask me we don't kill nearly enough people. That's why you can't walk down the street in any major city at night. Because there is no real penalty to committing crime. Oh whoopity doo we slapped him on the wrist and sent him to jail for a week. Boo hoo.
I'm all for public executions. Draw and Quarter a couple of the fuckers. Disembowel one. Make sure you do it somewhere all their friends can see it.
They might get a clue and go get real jobs instead of farting around all day writing songs about killing queers and slapping hos.