So here's a rant.
No, anyone reading this, you were not the cause of this outburst, because I'm not stupid enough to broadcast my rage to the people I'm super-sekritly raging at. Plus, it wasn't anyone person in particular to incur this ragey ranty goodness, so quit thinking you're hot shit cos you made Deb angry. ;)
If you have some sort of deep-seated hatred for republicans, I should let you know, I vote republican. :O Gasp, what news.
No but seriously. It's like you have to include that sort of information in your greeting. "Hey there, I'm Deb and I'm a fucking republican, do you like to read books?" Because if you don't, you get things like this happening.
I got into a fake-war of scathing, yet friendly, political jokes with a long-time friend on a forum.
Basically, I said something using the old saying "Saying ___ ___ is like saying honest politican. It doesn't exist!" My long-time friend said "Saying ___ ___ is like saying honest Republican! Fixed." To which I said "Saying ___ ___ is like saying honest Democrat! Fixed twice."
Then we bantered for a couple of posts and all was well, until this kid posts, and he says, "Deb, you're a republican?! And to think, I respected you!"
Okay, so, I get your respect for being nice, light hearted, intelligent, and humourous, but once you find out I'm a republican, I'm the spawn of satan?! Oh, well that makes a lot of sense, yes.
Lately, I've been actively and openly supporting Rudy Giuliani for the 2008 elections, as you may already know. Someone noticed my MSN name was soemthing about voting for Giuliani, and they messaged me saying "Are you republican, or do you just like Giuliani?"
So I said, "I'm a republican."
So they asked if I voted for Bush. I was 17 for that election, but I did get my mom to go vote for the first time in many years, knowing that she would vote for Bush. I told the kid this, and he started bashing me. What the fucking hell, man.
And I know Bush hasn't made the greatest decisions, and he fumbles with his words a lot, but he's a shit ton better than fucking Kerry would have been! And people need to lay off the illiterate jokes because Bush graduated with higher grades than John fucking Kerry did.
So this kid on MSN, WHO CAN'T EVEN VOTE YET, launches into a tirade against the racist queer-bashing republicans, and I say "Well fuckass, listen up. I'm a fucking republican, and I'm bi-sexual, with a half-black sister, and I support gay rights and stem-cell research. And I'm pro-choice. So go fuck yourself. :O" TO which I received a string of cuss words. SO I blocked his ass.
It's like, people love you when they know that you're pro-choice, stem cell research, gay rights, and that you care about the environment. But god forbid you have conservative views on health care, immigration, war, and wages. Oh no, if you vote republican, you can forget we even met.
I'm a great person until you find out I'm republican. Then I turn into some sort of scum.
So, you know, if you hate me now, it's cool. I'm used to it.
Kill the queers and blow up the abortion clinics and all that conservative crap. :)
By the way,
amazing fic. I demand everyone reads it. Doctor Who, Ten/Rose of course. :P