My thoughts on the first episode of season three Doctor Who: Smith & Jones
CRAPTONS OF SPOILERS UP YONDER! Don't cry if you click the cut!
Seriously. I basically walk through the entire episode, so DO NOT click unless you've seen it or honestly don't give a damn.
Alright. I tried, desperately, to remain neutral about Martha. I really did try. Unfortunately, I sort of hated her the second I saw her, and the fact that she was glued to her cell phone didn't really help. I give props to RTD for making her normal though. Anyone else would have had her at the top of her class in med school, which, she obviously isn't.
The first time the Doctor shows up, he takes his tie off "Like so," and then walks away. I was slightly confused. Then he's in hospital in his PJs, being all cute, and I squee'd. THEN, Martha hears his two hearts with her stethoscope and is like "Well WTF is this."
So then the shit hits the fan and the Judoon suck the hospital up to the motherfucking MOON. And while everyone is screaming like pansies, Martha's just kind of calm. Not all "Okay I'm like 20 years old but no problem. We're on the moon; I'll take over!" Because that would be unrealistic. And then she keeps her brain in her head and figures out that something is keeping the air in, because the windows aren't airtight. An obvious assumption; I'm sure most of us were like "Well duh," but everyone was panicking, and she kept her wits aboot her.
And then the Doctor wooshes in wearing a blue suit (where in the hell did he get it from?) and you can tell he's like "Well this Martha Jones girl is kind of rad." And so they go out on the veranda, and Martha is terrified, yeah, but she realises that, "Hey, I'm on the fucking moon!" and makes the most of it. Again, not over the top, but enough to set her apart from the rest of the screaming people inside.
So they find the force field keeping the air in, Martha's like "But what happens when the air runs out?" More intelligence. :O She's not in med school for nothing. But I'm STILL thinking "She can't be that great."
She goes along with the Doctor, and when he pretty much tells her he's an alien, she doesn't believe him. Normal, seeing as he looks like a human. Then she realises he's serious, and is just like "Well okay. Whatever. Maybe he is." But she still doubts it.
So, the Judoon are cataloging everyone, looking for the not-human.
(I'm gonna skip some stuff. Because I watched this at 4am and it's a bit hazy, and because I need to go do stuff. O:)
They realize that the not-human is this woman, who drinks blood from people and assimilates them, so she won't show up as a not-human on the Judoons' scans.
Then, the Doctor figures out the not-human's plan, and needs Martha to stall the Judoon. So. Here it is. That outrageous clip we all saw.
The Doctor says something along the lines of "This doesn't mean anything," and kisses her. And, she totally enjoyed it; you could tell. But seriously, if YOU got kissed by David Tennant, you'd look like that too. XD
So, the Judoon arrive and scan her, and it's like "Well WTF is she human or not," so they have to do more tests on her, which gives the Doctor time to do what he's gotta do.
So that kiss was a genetic transfer. I KNEW there had to be a decent excuse! Ha!
The not-human wants to do something with the MRI that'll basically destroy half the world and everyone on the moon, and allow her to escape.
So, the Doctor lets the not-human to drink his blood and assimilate him, because he told her that the Judoon were increasing their scans or whatever, pretending to be a human postal worker with bunions. XD So this not-human drinks his blood with her creepy straw (I really don't think I can drink from a straw for a long while now) and she assimilates his Time Lord genetics, and then the Judoon bust in!
They scan the Doctor and are like "This dude's dead, yo." and Martha's like "Oh shit!" and grabs one of the Judoon's scanners and re-scans the not-human. And because she assimilated the Doctor's blood, she registers as not-human, and they kill her. :)
Then the Judoon, who I was almost starting to like, leave the moon, leaving the MRI to destroy the world. And Martha with the dead Doctor. She starts giving him CPR, and then remembers that he has two hearts, so she alternates the weird chest-pumping thing from left to right to left, and revives him. All the while, the oxygen level is decreasing. So with her last breath of decent oxygen, she revives him, and then passes out. The Doctor stops the MRI and the Judoon transfer the hospital back to Earth before they leave (which got them back in my good graces, sort of) and all is well.
The Doctor ditches Martha and leaves in the Tardis, and Martha attempts to go on with her life with her severely dysfunctional family. Again, she's a totally normal person.
The Doctor shows up and is like "Want to go on a trip?" and she doesn't believe that the Tardis travels in time, so he goes back to that morning and takes his tie off "Like so," and she's like "omfg." And I giggled out loud at almost 5 in the morning.
So Martha's like "Yeah I'll go." And they get inside, she does the I-don't-believe-it's-bigger-on-the-inside routine, and then she asks if he's always on his own like this.
And he gets a bit flustered, and my fangirl tearducts get ready for action. He tells her he traveled with Rose, that "we were. together." Now really. How are us fangirls SUPPOSED to translate that? "Together" obviously means they were in looooove. And then he says "And you're NOT replacing her," and Martha's like "I never said I was."
Then she sort of accuses the Doctor of liking her, since he kissed her, and he says "It was a genetic transfer!" and she says something along the lines of "Alright. You're not my type anyways, I go for huamsn not aliens."
And things were a little bit better in this fangirl's heart, and I can honestly say, I don't mind Martha. As much as it's going to suck not having Rose around, I think Martha will do well :O
Some stuff that might be spoilery for later episodes, or Torchwood, follows:
And now, to tie in some stuff and make some way-out-there hopeful speculations.
Saxon. The "Bad Wolf" of season three. Martha mentions him in the very first episode. There are "Vote Saxon" flyers everwhere.
IN TORCHWOOD. Last episode or the one before, outside of the building that took Jack and Tosh back to WWII, There's a sign that says "Vote Saxon"! I nearly died!
We know this Saxon fellow is important, and I think, to state it quite bluntly, that Saxon is The Master. It's almost common knowledge that The Master returns, and it's logical to assume it's Saxon. Well, logical to me anyhow.
I'm anxious to find out how Jack confronts the Doctor about seeing Rose on the list of the dead at Canary Wharf, because he MUST have seen it. Will he punch him? Will he shake his hand? Will he pounce on him and snog his face off? ;o I'm hoping for the latter. How will he act towards Martha?! Will he ever find his memories? Will he return to Torchwood and shag Ianto like everyone wants him to? o; We can only hope.
I also hope we find out more about the Time Agency and who runs them and why they do whatever it is they do.
And now, I desire fried ice cream.