Mar 04, 2009 08:28
After years of doctor appointments, financial struggles, arguing with my insurance, losing weight. I finally received a hip replacement.
And unlike my last two surgeries this one came out perfect. None of you knew for my first, I lived in a hellish state called Virginia. I hope no one takes offense to that, but I have had very horrible experiences there. And I am not just talking about the horrors of middle school, although, yes, those are pretty traumatizing.
The first surgery I had was called a Capsulectomy (I highly doubt I spelled that right, but it's okay none of you know wtf I am talking about) with an external fixator. Now this sounds like some middle-ages equipment that some doctor claims that he knows what he is doing, and puts it on a 13 year-old girl. That's exactly what happened. At 13, I was already diagnosed with Arthritis and it attacked my left leg, my leg started to grow more to the left leaving me almost crippled, I was told that if I did not have this surgery I would be in a wheelchair (and I believe them) I also was losing a lot of cartilage, which is very painful to walk on. My family and I booked to have the surgery with a very House-esque kind of man named Dr.Abel (Dr.Evil is what I called him) He was a mean, rude, cocky son of a bitch, but he did a fine job. Now this doesn't mean that the surgery didn't hurt like hell. I have never had such extreme physical pain in my life, and no one should feel it at 13. Braces on teeth sucks, but on your hip, that REALLY FUCKING SUCKS. Oh yes, I had 5 screws drilled into the side of my leg. 2 right above my knee and 3 right into my hip. This is a surgery where you can actually see the pain. Not to mention, this is the first time they did it on the hip, I was a little guinea pig. these screws were all held together with a sort of.. fixator, there really is no better word. I'll never forget the 30 minute drive home, every bump hurt like hell. He sent me home with one prescription of vicodin and the rest of the month I was on my own with extra strength tylenol.
After a month of pain, tears, tuna sandwiches, and the three stooges. I was able to get the doodle off. I can't tell you what a sigh of relief that was. And as much as I hate to admit it, my leg really was much straighter and without it I wouldn't have been walking.
My other surgery was a pain, but came out for the best. I have lost just about 100 pounds. I had a cyst on my ovary and when they went to take it out. I formed a blood clot in the middle of my lower intestine. I lost 2 liters of blood and was in Critical Care for about 1 week, when I was released. I got pneumonia. That was a tough year, I lost weight like crazy, but it was hard to eat. I was losing protein, I was as white as a ghost, I started to lose some hair. It was not fun. During the summer I was put on a treatment in AZ. I got my color back, hair grew in thicker, my energy level was higher. I was still a little anemic, but nothing like before. During the summer I also started going out with a friend, and the reason I mentioning this is because he is the one that encouraged me to have my last surgery. I was petrified, to say the least. But looking at my past I am sure you can see why. I needed to get it done though..
This surgery happened so quickly that it's a little mind blowing, I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to tell everyone. I only had a little over a month to prepare for the entire thing. I had to take online classes again (gross) I had hardly anytime to see everyone. Doctor appointment after the other, it was insane. The night before going in I was so scared. I knew I needed it though, my cartilage at that point was entirely gone, the pain was getting intense again, walking a lot was becoming difficult, I couldn't stay on this treatment forever. I also needed to look at it in a financial view. I am not going to be on my father's insurance forever. And mind you, my father has kick-ass insurance. I would be moving out in the summer, still having to find a sitting job, still trying to find times for school that didn't overwhelm me, driving is scary when you have a hip that locks up (what if I killed someone? that thought frightened me more than anything) No, it was definitely time.
I am so happy that I have it done now, I can finally have a regular life. I am already on crutches! I'm on my way, lol
I want to thank all of my friends who have supported me, I love you guys. Spring break is next week, so I should see everyone soon! I have had so many people praying for me. Family, Christian friends, Buddhist friends, my Indian (feather) homies have blessed me with the healing god. I feel loved and protected with all of them. I love you all!
And I do apologize for any grammatical errors. I just took an oxycodone (good stuff) but now I am going to have to hide it from Gracie ;P
:edit: And yes, I did quit DK, I know a lot of you were asking. The place was bullshit, and shallow. You would think working for something like that would really increase your self confidence, well my friends, it did the exact opposite. I am done with it.