title/rating: We Are Yet Expire, pg13
pairing: hankyung/heechul, vampire!AU
summary: Hankyung takes in a new vampire, and there is romance, violence, etc. Bloodsuckers, a Hanchul lovestory.
A/N: mrwar this story is making my brain shrivel like slugs under sea salt. Or maybe that's school.
and as long as to the dream I resist, )
Comments 22
hankyung will not really be any scarier than he was here...I just felt, idk, like he's a vampire, which is a dangerous creature and I should at least TRY to convey that. It's possible I failed, :)
*sitting on the edge of my seat*
Geng being seriously dangerous...XD <333
Qmi <33
*snickers* at Heechul's thoughts about Siwon XD
Looking forward to the next part!
(The comment has been removed)
And I definitely feel honoured. :D I'll post part four ASAP.
You did an awesome job with the characters! I feel like people rarely keep Zhou Mi from acting like anything but useless, smiling moron. You have succeeded in making him absolutely adorable and still relevant and multi-dimensional. And Hankyung's thoughts/actions in the elevator just cost me a new keyboard.
Sorry, this comment sucks. I blame the mind blowing awesomeness of this fic.
Okay, and can I just tell you? Donghae's sparkle line in part two just about killed me. I'm still laughing. I even tried to explain it to friends who are familiar with neither fandom.
In short...
Donghae's sparkle line was basically the foundation for chapter two, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for reading!
So yeah... fail on that one.
But I have to admit, I stalk your journal like... daily haha I think I've read pretty much everything you have on here. And it's all amazing. I am thoroughly impressed by the consistent ass kicking your fics deal out!
*totters off to try making a new journal to continue to stalk with...through?*
and PS I am tots a creeper XD
omg I know there needs to be a hanchul archive--there's a fan community, hanchul_love, I think--but there should be like, I don't know if you follow tvxq, but there's a yunjae one by bambihamtaro? It's pretty amazing...I want that for hanchul.
“Are you sulking?” he asks curiously. He sighs as he once again receives no response except for a blank stare. “Wanna have a staring contest?”
Heechul is hysterically funny as;das;dlkjalksdjhalskjh favourite line ever!
and qmi advancing on the building with two trashcans and not breaking stride was just cool, okay. super cool, and you did it so well I practically saw it play out like an action movie in my head *______*
QMi breaking into the building took me SO LONG because I could see it clearly in my mind but couldn't find the right descriptions...I'm glad I was able to make it make sense to you. :D thanks for reading!
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