Aug 16, 2003 20:05
My plan has back fired. Instead of being asked out by the adorable welder boy I appeare to have been asked on a date by a 45 yearold painter named Frank. He is this old guy with long stringy hair that he always wears in a ponytail with red white and blue hair thingys. He also always wears a denim jacket with the tazmanian devil on it. He's kinda weird, but nice enough so I chat with him whenever he's around. Anyway, he came up to me yeasterday and asked me to be his date to the company picnic next weekend. I was so alarmed that I didn't really answer, I just mumbled something and wandered off. I hope he doesn't think I'm gonna go with him now. Oh well.
So now I have been asked out on 2 offical "dates" in my life. I have been in relationships with guys but none of them ever actually asked me out or anything (unless you count being asked to someones bedroom as a date). Of course the only people who have asked me out on dates are totally creepy. There is this guy Frank, and the only other guy was a kid I knew from home. He was a highschool dropout, has been arrested for beating up his mother, and wears black sweatpants everyday. How depressing. I think dates are antiquated anyway. No one actually goes on them any more. At least not unless there are already a couple. I've gone out to eat with guys I was already in a relationship with but I don't count that as a date. A date is something where one person specifically askes the other out, which simply doesn't happen any more. I'm not complaining, officail dates seem to stressful.