(Name}: Ember
{Spell your first name backwards}: rebmE
{Named after anyone}: yes
{screen name(s)}: PlanOnNapping
{story behind your aim user name}: I love to nap and I love the Poastal Service so I mixed plan on sleeping in and napping in to one great sn! lol
{Birthday}: September 30th
{age}: 16
{sign}: libra
{religion/church} Lutheran
{height}: Like 5"3 or something
{eye color}: Blue
{hair color}: Depends who you ask, I say brown some say blond and some crazies say redish.
{hair length}: A little past my shoulders
{tattoos}: Not yet, too scared of pain lol
{scars}: Yep
{glasses, braces, etc.,}: Glasses, but mostly just contacts
{sibs. Ages}: Sara-28, Travis-19
{pets}: Dogs: Jerry, Daisy, Fox. Cats: Devina and Triscut. And 2 fish they dont count lol
{school} Pascack Valley H.S.
{mascot}: Indian
::Describe Your::
{wallet}: The money envelopes form the bank...I need a wallet
{jewelry worn daily}: Latley none...
{shoes}: Flip-flops from Old Navy
{handbag}: i have 1000000.....
{Favorite top}: Anything low and blue
{in your mouth}: Presently, the usual...
{in your head}: A brain
{wishing}: For money and complete happyness
{talking to}: My puppy
{the last thing u ate}: Toasted egg bagel with tuna and a java chip frap.
{something that you are deathly afraid of}: Heights
{do u believe in love}: Yes, but I don't think anyone nos exaclty what that is.
{do u believe in soul mates}: Yes, everyone is made espicially for 1 oteh rperson, to fill that gap in their heart!
{do u believe in forgiveness}: Yes, 100% everyone makes mistakes and deserves more chances.
{if u could have any pet what kind of pet would you have}: I just got a puppy, so nothing
{what’s something you wish you could understand better}: Life, its perplexing
{Anyone that you miss that you have not seen in a long time}: Nina
:: in the last 24 hours, have you::
{cried}: No, yay
{bought something}: Yeah tehee
{gotten sick}: Yeah I have really bad allergies acctually
{sang}: Yesm
{eaten}: Yep
{been kissed}: No... :(
{felt stupid} : Yes
{wanted to tell someone u love them but didn’t}: NO
{met someone new}: Yes
{moved on}: From what?
{talked to an ex}: NO
{missed an ex}: NO
{felt guilty}: Nope
{talked to someone u have a crush on}: Nahh, I don't like anyone
{had a serious talk}: Nope
{fought with ur parents}: Nope
{dreamed about someone you cant have}: Nope
::Social life::
{boyfriend/ girlfriend}:No, single and happier then ever!
{what type of car do u drive}: hahha, I should get my permit hah
{Would u rather be with friends or on a date}: With my Biffer, unless the date included some sort of ass!
{where is the best hangout}: My Shack
{do u have a job}: I'm an Orthodontist
{do u like being around people}: Yes
{do u argue with the most}: Mommie
{do u always get along with}: No one
{is the most trustworthy}: Lauren
{makes u laugh the most}: Lauren lol
{has been there though all the hard times}: In my whole life, no one
{has the coolest parents}: I love Lauren's Mom!
{has the coolest siblings}: Me duah!
{is the smartest}: idk, lets wait till the SAT grades get in
{who is your role model}: Jessica Simpson
{have u ever liked someone you had no chance with}: Yeah
{Have you ever cried over the opposite sex}: Do you even have to ask, yes.
{do u have a type of person u always go for}: Umm...kinda..I love black hair and kinda pale ohh and dirty...ok basicly Gerard Way!! yummy!!!!!
{ever wanted to get revenge on someone that hurt u}: HELL YES!!
{rather be dumper or dumped}: dumper
{rather have a relationship or hookup}: relationship
{want someone u don't have right now}: Nope
{ever liked ur best friend}: My bff is a chick so no
{do u want to get married}: I can't wait
{do u want kids}: Ummm i dont think so
{do u believe u know the person u want to marry someday}: I hope not lol
{are u happy with u}: Yes
{are u happy with ur life}: No
{is it wierd that all of the questions have {} around them}: Not at all
Currently listening: Jimmy Eat World "The World You Love"