Credo: Always be asking questions.
Feral Cities The Naval War College's strategic analysis and assessment of urban environments in countries or regions where governmental order has broken down completely. Responsible for putting forward the term "Feral City." The feral city as the next battlefield. Synopsis and analysis of Naval War College piece. Identification of Mogadishu, Detroit, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Karachi as feral cities or cities being overtaken by feral communities. Archive of an hour long reading and question and answer session with Sudhir Venkatesh, author of the book "Gang Leader for a Day." Eyewitness examination of life in a feral community existing within the greater metropolitan area of Chicago. The Perfect Storm and the Feral City. Article drawing comparisons between the mishandling of the Katrina Disaster and the mishandling of Iraqi policy. Analysis of New Orleans, Baghdad and Fallujah as feral cities.
In Application Suspiciously sunny take on life in postwar Mogadishu. Key passages for our purposes are the ones speaking about the revitalization of the economy without any government intervention. The Company as Sovereign. Pictoral supplement to the previous article. Snaps and facts in brief. Very general overview. Weblog of independent photojournalist. More snaps and facts in brief. Portal to photojournalism in other hotspots and feral communities. Very quick take on life in the city for residents. Skimpy facts and and observations. A few bits to think on. Last Haven. 30 minute documentary on the state of Mogadishu in 2002-03. Interesting insights on the effects of US blanket edicts on businesses and banks in order to get tough on terrorism.
Media Photographer chronicling urban decay and natural reclaimation in places like Detroit. Well shot compositions that leave strong impressions. Detroit Wildlife. 30 minute documentary on Detroit as feral city. Different view of a feral city as a city in abandonment. Decay resulting in the complete forsaking of a place by humanity. Detroit as a place of shadows and ghosts. This was a shopping mall, now it's turned into a cornfield. Don't leave me stranded here, I can't get used to this lifestyle.