Jun 11, 2006 14:18
YoUr NaMe: Robyn
~ NaMe YoU LikE tO bE CaLLeD: Justin, or Czach
~ WhAt Do YoU wIsH yOuR nAmE wAs? I like my name the way it is, I suppose.
~ WhAt DoEs YoUr NaMe MeAn? I guess it's Roman, or at least that's what www.behindthename.com tells me
~ WhEn WaS tHe BeSt YeAr Of YoUr LiFe AnD wHy? Geez, I don't know. All of them have been alright
~ WhEn WaS tHe WoRsT YeAr Of YoUr LiFe AnD wHy? All of them have had some bad stuff, they've all been about the same.
~ WhAt CoNcErTs HaVe YoU bEeN tO? Godsmack, Big & Rich w/ Gretchen Wilson, Country USA a few years ago, and Pantera
~ HaVe YoU eVeR rAn AwAy FrOm HoMe? not really, unless you count joining the Army
~ WhAt Is ThE bEsT gIfT yOu'Ve EvEr ReCeIvEd? Hmm, good question.
~ WhAt Do YoU tHiNk Of YoUr FiRsT rElAtIoNsHiP? It was alright, sort of lame, but then again it was middle school.
~ WhO wAs YoUr FiRsT cRuSh? Amanda Steurer
~ WhAt ArE oN tHe WaLLs Of YoUr RoOm? I don't have a room :(
~ WhAt ArE yOu WeArInG rIgHt NoW? white tshirt and cargo shorts
~ WhAt CoLoRs ArE yOu WeArInG rIgHt NoW? white and blue
~ WhO iS yOuR wOrSt EnEmY? I don't know, the Army
~ WhAt DiD yOu GeT fOr ChRiStMaS tHiS yEaR? I don't remember anything more than six weeks ago
~ DiD yOu Go ShOpPiNg DuRiNg ThE BoXiNg DaY wEeK? WhAt DiD yOu BuY aNd FrOm WhErE? nowhere
~ WhAt ArE yOuR oBsEsSiOnS? hmmm, baseball and the packers
~ CoUsIn & WhY: Zach because he's funny
~ StOrE: Lids
~ BiG bRoThEr PeRsOn: Brian Muhr
~ Do YoU eVeR hAvE DéJà VùS? yup
~ Do YoU eVeR dAyDrEaM? not so much anymore
~ WhAt WaS yOuR lAtEsT dReAm AbOuT? I don't remember, probably somethin off the wall
~ WhErE dO yOu WiSh YoU wErE rIgHt NoW? not in the army with leahann
~ WhO iS oN yOuR mInD tHe MoSt? being out of the army with my wife
~ WhO dO yOu WiSh YoU wErE wItH rIgHt NoW? haha, really?
~ If YoU cOuLd Be AnYbOdY, wHo WoUlD yOu Be? as much as i love Rob's answer, i'll take HBK, Shawn Michaels
~ If YoU cOuLd tRaVeL aNyWhErE, wHeRe wOuLd iT bE aNd WhY? wHo wOuLd YoU tAkE? around the US
~ WhAt WoUlD tHe PeRfEcT dAy CoNsIsT oF? not worrying about being the army
~ If YoU cOuLd TuRn BaCk TiMe, WhErE wOuLd YoU bE aNd WhY? Little League
~ WhAt Do YoU wAnT mOsT iN LiFe? right now, to be out of the army and then to know what i want to do in life
«~¤~JuSt SoMe QuEsTiOnS~¤~»
~ Do YoU wRiTe On DeSkS aT sChOoL? iF sO, wHaT dO yOu WrItE? not really
~ Do YoU cOnSiDeR cHeErLeAdInG a SpOrT? heck yes, i was a cheerleader
~ WhO aLwAyS mAkEs YoU sMiLe? Brian
~ HaVe YoU eVeR dOnE a PhOtO sHoOt, PrOfFeSsIoNaL oR nOn? WhAt For? Senior pictures
~ HaVe YoU eVeR CoMpLeTeD a CrOsSwOrD PuZzLe By YoUrSeLf WiThOuT cHeAtInG? nope, not even the easy ones
~ Do YoU cHeW gUm A lOt? Nope
~ Do YoU pAsS nOtEs In ClAsS? nope, not in class
~ Do YoU dOoDlE oN BiNdErS/wOrKsHeEtS/eTc...? sometimes
~ WhAt TiMe DiD yOu GeT uP aT tOdAy? 1130ish
Geez I'm bored. Sorry for the length but I'm too lazy to cut.